PidLidVerbStream Property
Type: PtypBinary ([MS-OXCDATA] section 2.11.1)
The PidLidVerbStream property ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.350) specifies what voting responses the user can make in response to the message. The format is of this property is shown in the following diagram.
1 |
2 |
3 |
Version |
Count |
... |
VoteOption1 (variable) |
... |
VoteOptionN (variable) |
... |
Version2 |
VoteOptionExtras1 (variable) |
... |
VoteOptionExtrasN (variable) |
... |
Version (WORD): Set to 0x0102.
Count (DWORD): Specifies the count of the VoteOption structures plus the count of the VoteOptionExtras structures to follow.
VoteOption1 (variable length): The first VoteOption structure specified in section
VoteOptionN (variable length): The last VoteOption structure specified in section, where the ‘N’ in the field name represents the count of all the VoteOption structures in the PidLidVerbStream.
Version2 (WORD): MUST be set to 0x0104.
VoteOptionExtras1 (variable length): The first VoteOptionExtras structure specified in section
VoteOptionExtrasN (variable length): The last VoteOptionExtras structure specified in section, where the ‘N’ in the field name represents the count of all the VoteOptionExtras structures in the PidLidVerbStream.