Partager via Partial Attendee List

When the organizer or delegate of the organizer removes attendees from the Meeting object, the client sends a Meeting Cancellation object to the attendees that were removed but does not send a Meeting Cancellation object to any other attendees. If the organizer or delegate has changed the value of the recipSendable bit of the PidTagRecipientFlags property (section of any attendees to 0, the client SHOULD<78> send a cancellation to those attendees.

When sending a cancellation for a recurring series, the client removes the recipient rows corresponding to the attendees receiving cancellations from the Meeting object's recipient rows.

When sending a cancellation for an exception to a recurring series that is not a deleted exception, the client sets the recipExceptionalDeleted bit of the PidTagRecipientFlags property (section for each recipient row of the Exception Embedded Message object (as specified in section corresponding to the attendee receiving the cancellation.