Partager via PropertyTagArray_r Structure

The PropertyTagArray_r structure is an encoding of the PropertyTagArray_r data structure defined in [MS-OXCDATA] section 2.10.2. The permissible number of proptag values in the PropertyTagArray_r structure exceeds that of the PropertyTagArray_r data structure. The semantic meaning is otherwise unchanged from the PropertyTagArray_r data structure.

 typedef struct PropertyTagArray_r {
   DWORD cValues;
   [size_is(cValues+1), length_is(cValues)] 
     DWORD aulPropTag[];
 } PropertyTagArray_r;

cValues:  Encodes the Count field of the PropertyTagArray_r data structure.

aulPropTag:  Encodes the PropertyTags field of the PropertyTagArray_r data structure.