Calendar Message Without Inline Attachments
When the best body format type of a calendar item or meeting message is RTF and there are no inline attachments, MIME writers SHOULD generate a MIME entity with "multipart/alternative" for the value of its Content-Type header and three child entities, as follows:
The first child entity has "text/plain" for the value of its Content-Type header. Its content SHOULD be plain text generated from the value of the PidTagRtfCompressed property ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.943) but can instead be copied from the value of the PidTagBody property ([MS-OXCMSG] section, assuming that the values of the two properties are equal.
The second child entity has "text/HTML" for the value of its Content-Type header. Its content SHOULD be HTML text generated from the value of the PidTagRtfCompressed property but MAY<70> instead be copied from the value of the PidTagHtml property ([MS-OXCMSG] section, assuming that the values of the two properties are equal.
The third child entity has "text/calendar" for the value of its Content-Type header, and its content SHOULD be generated as specified in [MS-OXCICAL]. A MIME writer MAY<71> use a Content-Transfer-Encoding header value of "8bit" for the "text/calendar" MIME content-type, or a MIME writer MAY<72> use a Content-Transfer-Encoding header value of "base64". Both conform to MIME, and both are consistent with the description in this section.
A MIME writer MAY<73> use a "quoted-printable" value for the Content-Transfer-Encoding header, or a MIME writer MAY<74> use a Content-Transfer-Encoding value of "base64". Both encodings produce conformant MIME entities, and both encodings are consistent with the description in this section.