Partager via RopCreateFolder ROP Request Buffer

The following descriptions define valid fields for the RopCreateFolder ROP request buffer ([MS-OXCROPS] section

InputHandleIndex (1 byte):  An integer that specifies the location in the Server object handle table where the handle for the input Server object is stored. The input Server object for this operation is a Folder object that represents the parent folder of the folder to be created.

OutputHandleIndex (1 byte):  An integer that specifies the location in the Server object handle table where the handle for the output Server object is stored. The output Server object for this operation is a Folder object that represents the folder that was created.

FolderType (1 byte):  An integer that specifies the type of folder to be created. One of the values specified in the following table MUST be used.


Folder type


Generic folder


Search folder

UseUnicodeStrings (1 byte):  A Boolean value that is nonzero (TRUE) if the values of the DisplayName and Comment fields are formatted in Unicode and zero (FALSE) otherwise.

OpenExisting (1 byte):  A Boolean value that is nonzero (TRUE) if a pre-existing folder, whose name is identical to the name specified in the DisplayName field, is to be opened and zero (FALSE) otherwise.

Reserved (1 byte):  This field is reserved. The client MUST set this field to zero (FALSE).

DisplayName (variable):  A null-terminated string that specifies the display name of the folder. This name becomes the value of the new folder's PidTagDisplayName property (section

Comment (variable):  A null-terminated folder string that specifies a comment associated with the new folder. The comment can be used to describe the folder. This string becomes the value of the new folder's PidTagComment property (section