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interface IWebView2MoveFocusRequestedEventArgs


This reference is no longer being maintained. For the latest API reference, see WebView2 API Reference.

interface IWebView2MoveFocusRequestedEventArgs
  : public IUnknown

Event args for the MoveFocusRequested event.


Members Descriptions
get_Reason The reason for WebView to fire the MoveFocus Requested event.
get_Handled Indicate whether the event has been handled by the app.
put_Handled Set the Handled property.



The reason for WebView to fire the MoveFocus Requested event.

public HRESULT get_Reason(WEBVIEW2_MOVE_FOCUS_REASON * value)


Indicate whether the event has been handled by the app.

public HRESULT get_Handled(BOOL * value)

If the app has moved the focus to its desired location, it should set Handled property to TRUE. When Handled property is false after the event handler returns, default action will be taken. The default action is to try to find the next tab stop child window in the app and try to move focus to that window. If there is no other such window to move focus to, focus will be cycled within the WebView's web content.


Set the Handled property.

public HRESULT put_Handled(BOOL value)