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interface ICoreWebView2NewWindowRequestedEventArgs3


This reference is no longer being maintained. For the latest API reference, see WebView2 API Reference.

interface ICoreWebView2NewWindowRequestedEventArgs3
  : public ICoreWebView2NewWindowRequestedEventArgs2

This is a continuation of the ICoreWebView2NewWindowRequestedEventArgs interface.


Members Descriptions
get_OriginalSourceFrameInfo The frame info of the frame where the new window request originated.

Applies to

Product Introduced
WebView2 Win32 N/A
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease 1.0.2106



The frame info of the frame where the new window request originated.

public HRESULT get_OriginalSourceFrameInfo(ICoreWebView2FrameInfo ** frameInfo)

The OriginalSourceFrameInfo is a snapshot of frame information at the time when the new window was requested. See ICoreWebView2FrameInfo for details on frame properties.