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interface ICoreWebView2NavigationStartingEventArgs


This reference is no longer being maintained. For the latest API reference, see WebView2 API Reference.

interface ICoreWebView2NavigationStartingEventArgs
  : public IUnknown

Event args for the NavigationStarting event.


Members Descriptions
get_Uri The uri of the requested navigation.
get_IsUserInitiated True when the navigation was initiated through a user gesture as opposed to programmatic navigation.
get_IsRedirected True when the navigation is redirected.
get_RequestHeaders The HTTP request headers for the navigation.
get_Cancel The host may set this flag to cancel the navigation.
put_Cancel Set the Cancel property.
get_NavigationId The ID of the navigation.



The uri of the requested navigation.

public HRESULT get_Uri(LPWSTR * uri)


True when the navigation was initiated through a user gesture as opposed to programmatic navigation.

public HRESULT get_IsUserInitiated(BOOL * isUserInitiated)


True when the navigation is redirected.

public HRESULT get_IsRedirected(BOOL * isRedirected)


The HTTP request headers for the navigation.

public HRESULT get_RequestHeaders(ICoreWebView2HttpRequestHeaders ** requestHeaders)

Note, you cannot modify the HTTP request headers in a NavigationStarting event.


The host may set this flag to cancel the navigation.

public HRESULT get_Cancel(BOOL * cancel)

If set, it will be as if the navigation never happened and the current page's content will be intact. For performance reasons, GET HTTP requests may happen, while the host is responding. This means cookies can be set and used part of a request for the navigation.


Set the Cancel property.

public HRESULT put_Cancel(BOOL cancel)


The ID of the navigation.

public HRESULT get_NavigationId(UINT64 * navigation_id)