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Additional CheckFileInfo properties for CSPP Plus hosts

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To enable the WOPI coauthoring extensions for CSPP Plus, you must set the following existing optional properties and new properties.

If any of the required properties are set to their default value (0 for int, false for Boolean, String.Empty or null for strings), the client must act as if the coauthoring extensions aren't available, effectively behaving as if SupportsCoauth is set to false. The exception is AccessTokenExpiry, for which 0 is a valid value.

New optional properties

For the WOPI coauthoring extensions to be enabled, the following new optional properties are required to be set to valid values:

  • SupportsCoauth
  • SequenceNumber
  • OfficeCollaborationServiceEndpointUrl
  • RealTimeChannelEndpointUrl
  • AccessTokenExpiry
  • ServerTime
  • SharingStatus
  • FileGeoLocationCode


A Boolean value that indicates that the host provides the support for multiple WOPI clients to participate in document content modification in an overlapping manner. In addition to promising a non-default value for the following properties, it also indicates implementation of the following WOPI operations:

  • GetCoauthLock
  • RefreshCoauthLock
  • UnlockCoauthLock
  • GetCoauthTable
  • GetChunkedFile
  • PutChunkedFile
  • GetSequenceNumber


An int value that indicates the current sequence number of the file's contents. The value controls the document coherency semantic for the update. For more information, see GetSequenceNumber.


A string value that is a URI to the Collaboration Service endpoint that the WOPI client can use for collaboration. The value is the URL associated with the "collab" action provided in WOPI discovery.


A string value that is a URI to the Real Time Channel Service endpoint that the WOPI client can use for real-time updates. The value is the URL associated with the "rtc" action provided in WOPI discovery.


A long value that indicates the time of access token expiry, represented as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC (the date epoch in JavaScript). For more information, see access_token_ttl.


A long value that indicates the time on the server when responding to the request, represented as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC (the date epoch in JavaScript).



SharingStatus is an existing property marked as “(Pre-release property - not yet used by any WOPI client)” in the currently available public documentation. The property is applicable for coauthoring extensions.

A string value that indicates whether the current document is shared with other users. The value can change when you add or remove permissions to other users. Clients might use this value to help choose how active to be in checking to see whether multiple clients are simultaneously working with the file. For more information, see SharingStatus.

Possible values:

  • Private. Only the document owner has permission to the file.
  • Shared. At least one other user has access to the file via direct permissions or a sharing link.

The following new optional properties are not required for the coauthoring extensions to be enabled.


A string value that is the regional compliance domain for this file, and which specifies that traffic should remain in a specific country or region. Don't return the property if there are no regional compliance requirements. Please contact CSPP Plus team for the supported values.


A string value that indicates the geographical location where the file is hosted. If the ComplianceDomainPrefix property is returned, WOPI clients use that property to infer the file’s location.
Please contact CSPP Plus team for the supported values.

Existing optional properties

To enable the coauthoring extensions, these existing optional properties are required to be set to valid values:

  • SupportsLocks
  • SupportsUpdate
  • SupportsUserInfo


An existing Boolean property that must be true, indicating that the associated WOPI locking methods are supported.


An existing Boolean property that must be true, indicating that the associated WOPI file-updating methods are supported.


An existing Boolean property that must be true, indicating that the associated WOPI method is supported.