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GET /wopi/containers/(container_id)

The CheckContainerInfo operation is similar to the CheckFileInfo operation, but operates on containers instead of files. CheckContainerInfo returns information about a container and a user’s permissions on that container.


  • container_id (string) – A string that specifies a container ID of a container managed by host. This string must be URL safe.

Query Parameters

  • access_token (string) – An access token that the host will use to determine whether the request is authorized.

Status Codes


In addition to the request/response headers listed here, this operation may also use the Standard WOPI request and response headers.


The response to a CheckContainerInfo call is JSON.

All optional values default to the following values based on their type:

Type Default value
Boolean false
String The empty string
Integer/Long Varies; see individual properties for details
Array Empty array


No properties should be set to null. If you do not wish to set a property, simply omit it from the response and WOPI clients will use the default value.

Required response properties

The following properties must be present in all CheckContainerInfo responses:

  • Name - The name of the container without a path. This value will be displayed in the WOPI client UI.

Other response properties

  • HostUrl - A URI to a webpage for the container.

  • IsAnonymousUser (Boolean) - A Boolean value indicating whether the user is authenticated with the host or not. This should match the IsAnonymousUser value returned in CheckFileInfo.

  • IsEduUser (Boolean) - A Boolean value indicating whether the user is an education user or not. This should match the IsEduUser value returned in CheckFileInfo.

  • LicenseCheckForEditIsEnabled (Boolean) - A Boolean value indicating whether the user is a business user or not. This should match the LicenseCheckForEditIsEnabled value returned in CheckFileInfo.

  • SharingUrl - A URI to a webpage to allow the user to control sharing of the container. This is analogous to the FileSharingUrl in CheckFileInfo.

  • SupportedShareUrlTypes - An array of strings containing the Share URL types the host supports. The types indicate the sharing options available for the container itself, and not on the files in the container.

    These types can be passed in the X-WOPI-UrlType request header to signify which Share URL type to return for the GetShareUrl (containers) operation.

    Possible Values Description
    ReadOnly This type of Share URL allows users to view the container using the URL, but does not give them permission to make changes to the container.
    ReadWrite This type of Share URL allows users to both view and make changes to the container using the URL.
  • UserCanCreateChildContainer (Boolean) - A Boolean value that indicates the user has permission to create a new container in the container.

  • UserCanCreateChildFile (Boolean) - A Boolean value that indicates the user has permission to create a new file in the container.

  • UserCanDelete (Boolean) - A Boolean value that indicates the user has permission to delete the container.

  • UserCanRename (Boolean) - A Boolean value that indicates the user has permission to rename the container.