Close Jobs
To close a job, re-post the job using the same externalJobPostingId
value, but set jobPostingOperationType
API Overview
Use the /simpleJobPosting
API to create, update, renew and close jobs on LinkedIn. This wiki describes how to close jobs. To know more about this API, refer to API Overview.
API Endpoint
Use the following endpoint to submit a task to create, close, update, or renew one or more jobs asynchronously:
API Authorization
All requests below require access tokens obtained via the OAuth2.0 Client Credentials flow.
We strongly recommend to use same access token for all concurrent and consecutive calls. An access token has a lifespan of 30 mins. Only on expiry of the existing token, new token should be generated.
Sample Request for Premium Jobs
API Header:
The header for making the request is X-Restli-Method: batch_create
Authorization: Bearer {token}
x-restli-method: batch_create
Authorization: Bearer {token}
x-restli-method: batch_create
Linkedin-Version: YYYYMM
Sample Request Body:
"elements": [
"listingType": "PREMIUM",
"companyApplyUrl": "http://localhost:0000",
"contract": "urn:li:contract:{{contract_id}}",
"industries": [
"externalJobPostingId": "TEST_150421",
"description": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of Lorem Ipsum.",
"listedAt": 0123456789,
"title": "JOB_1_TEST_150421",
"integrationContext": "urn:li:organization:{{company_id}}",
"location": "San Francisco, California",
"jobPostingOperationType": "CLOSE"
Error Codes
Given below is a list possible error codes that can display while closing a job.
One of the following responses is returned, that contains a JSON object with a status and a message about the error for Post on /simpleJobPostings.
200 | 422 | ERROR :: /{mandatory key} :: field is required but not found and has no default value | Required field is missing in the request body | Refer to the schema documentation and make sure all the required fields are present in the request body |
200 | 422 | ERROR :: /{attribute_name} :: {value} cannot be coerced to Long\n, (Why is \n coming in error message) | When value of the attribute does not match the datatype it accepts. For example, title accepts String but we have provided numerical value |
Ensure that the value provided for attribute should match the datatype it accepts. Refer to schema documentation for data types of the attributes |
200 | 422 | ERROR :: /jobPostingOperationType :: "UPDATED" is not an enum symbol\n | Wrong value provided for the field jobPostingOperationType |
The value should either be one of following CREATE , UPDATE or CLOSE |
401 | 401 | Invalid access token | Access token is tampered | Regenerate a new access token |
401 | 401 | The token used in the request is expired | The access token used in Authorization header is a valid token but it has expired | Regenerate a new access token |
403 | 403 | Caller is not authorized to access the jobs for contract: urn:li:contract:{contract_id} | The application used for posting premium job does not belong to the Job posting contract | 1. Ensure that you are using the correct contract details provided in the Premium Job Posting onboarding email 2. Ensure that you are using the correct application credentials |
403 | 403 | Not enough permissions to access: POST /simpleJobPostings | The application does not have enough permissions to use /simpleJobPostings API | Ensure that the header x-restli-method with value batch_create is present |
500 | 500 | Internal Server Error | When incorrect attribute type is given. For example, Integer instead of String | Please check if externalJobPostingId datatype is string in request body |