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Brand Lift Testing


Deprecation Notice
The Marketing Version 202403 (Marketing March 2024) has been sunset. We recommend that you migrate to the latest versioned APIs as well as migrate to the new Content and Community Management APIs to avoid disruptions. See the Migration page for more details. If you haven’t yet migrated and have questions, submit a request on the LinkedIn Developer Support Portal.

Brand lift testing makes it easy for advertisers to measure the impact of your ads on brand metrics that you care about – like awareness, consideration, familiarity, favorability, and more. This helps you close the loop on your brand marketing efforts and better optimize for future brand value.

About the feature

For the duration of the brand lift test, we split your target audience into two groups: a test group that’s eligible to see your ads and a control group that’s not. We then deliver surveys to a subset of the active members in both groups. Finally, we analyze the differences in how the test and control groups respond to measure how your ads have impacted members’ perception of your brand. We also estimate the return on your investment. Find out how to get started here!


Your application must have an access token with the rw_ads permissions to use the Brand Lift Testing APIs.

Additionally, the authenticated member must meet the following condition:

  • Have one of the following ad account roles:
    • CREATIVE_MANAGER (Read only)
    • VIEWER (Read only)


Creating a Brand Lift Test can be done easily through the Brand Lift Test API. This allows an advertiser to create and manage their Brand Lift Test—including creation, validation, serving, and reporting. A high level flow chart of API usage are shown below.

Lift Testing API Flow

The following table provides a step-by-step guide to most common scenarios.

Intent Workflow Lift Test State
I want to create and launch new Lift Test Step 1. Create Lift Test Configuration in JSON format. See Lift Test Schema for details

Step 2. Validate Lift Test Configuration in JSON format before save. Use validate action from Brand Lift Test API

Step 3. Identify number of questions available for Lift Test Survey. Use validate budget action from Brand Lift Test API

Step 4. Create Lift Test. Use create request from Brand Lift Test API

Step 5. Create desired survey questions. At least 2 questions should be created. RECALL is mandatory question type. Do not exceed number of questions identified on step 3. Use create survey request from Brand Lift Test Survey API

Step 6. Activate Lift Test to make it servable. Use activate request from Brand Lift Test API

Step 7. Wait till schedule.start date/time reached
Step 1. User State: DRAFT
Execution State: N/A

Step 2. User State: DRAFT
Execution State: N/A

Step 3. User State: DRAFT
Execution State: N/A

Step 4. User State: DRAFT
Execution State: CREATED

Step 5. User State: DRAFT
Execution State: CREATED

Step 6. User State: READY
Execution State: SCHEDULED

Step 7. User State: READY
Execution State: STARTED
I want to get results of running/finished Lift Test Step 1. Get Lift Test state to ensure that test is running or completed. Use get action from Brand Lift Test API

Step 2. Use Brand Lift Test Results API to access collected result. Results can change overtime even after test end for at most 15 days.
Step 1. User State: Any Execution State: STARTED or ENDED_RESUMABLE or ENDED

Step 2. User State: Any
I want to extend already running test or resume ended test withthin 90 days after start Step 1. Get Lift Test state to ensure that test is scheduled, running or ended but can be resumed. Use get action from Brand Lift Test API

Step 2. Use Brand Lift Test API to extend schedule.end date as desired. Tests can not run for more than 90 days.
Step 1. User State: READY

Step 2. User State: READY
I want to terminate running test before end date Step 1. Get Lift Test state to ensure that test is scheduled, running or ended but can be resumed. Use get action from Brand Lift Test API

Step 2. Use Brand Lift Test API to set user state to CANCELED. Terminated tests can not be restarted.
Step 1. User State: READY

Step 2. User State: CANCELED
Execution State: ENDED