Excel.ConditionalIconCriterion interface
Représente un critère d’icône qui contient un type, une valeur, un opérateur et une icône personnalisée facultative, s’il n’utilise pas un jeu d’icônes.
[ Ensemble d’API : ExcelApi 1.6 ]
custom |
L’icône personnalisée pour le critère actuel, si différente de l’ensemble d’icônes par défaut, est |
formula | Un nombre ou une formule en fonction du type. |
operator |
type | Ce sur quoi la formule conditionnelle de l’icône doit être basée. |
Détails de la propriété
L’icône personnalisée pour le critère actuel, si différente de l’ensemble d’icônes par défaut, est null
customIcon?: Excel.Icon;
Valeur de propriété
Un nombre ou une formule en fonction du type.
formula: string;
Valeur de propriété
[ Ensemble d’API : ExcelApi 1.6 ]
// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/14-conditional-formatting/conditional-formatting-basic.yaml
await Excel.run(async (context) => {
const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Sample");
const range = sheet.getRange("B8:E13");
const conditionalFormat = range.conditionalFormats
const iconSetCF = conditionalFormat.iconSet;
iconSetCF.style = Excel.IconSet.threeTriangles;
The iconSetCF.criteria array is automatically prepopulated with
criterion elements whose properties have been given default settings.
You can't write to each property of a criterion directly. Instead,
replace the whole criteria object.
With a "three*" icon set style, such as "threeTriangles", the third
element in the criteria array (criteria[2]) defines the "top" icon;
e.g., a green triangle. The second (criteria[1]) defines the "middle"
icon. The first (criteria[0]) defines the "low" icon, but it
can often be left empty as the following object shows, because every
cell that does not match the other two criteria always gets the low
iconSetCF.criteria = [
{} as any,
type: Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType.number,
operator: Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator.greaterThanOrEqual,
formula: "=700"
type: Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType.number,
operator: Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator.greaterThanOrEqual,
formula: "=1000",
await context.sync();
ou greaterThanOrEqual
pour chacun des types de règles pour le format conditionnel d’icône.
operator: Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator | "Invalid" | "GreaterThan" | "GreaterThanOrEqual";
Valeur de propriété
Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator | "Invalid" | "GreaterThan" | "GreaterThanOrEqual"
[ Ensemble d’API : ExcelApi 1.6 ]
// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/14-conditional-formatting/conditional-formatting-basic.yaml
await Excel.run(async (context) => {
const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Sample");
const range = sheet.getRange("B8:E13");
const conditionalFormat = range.conditionalFormats
const iconSetCF = conditionalFormat.iconSet;
iconSetCF.style = Excel.IconSet.threeTriangles;
The iconSetCF.criteria array is automatically prepopulated with
criterion elements whose properties have been given default settings.
You can't write to each property of a criterion directly. Instead,
replace the whole criteria object.
With a "three*" icon set style, such as "threeTriangles", the third
element in the criteria array (criteria[2]) defines the "top" icon;
e.g., a green triangle. The second (criteria[1]) defines the "middle"
icon. The first (criteria[0]) defines the "low" icon, but it
can often be left empty as the following object shows, because every
cell that does not match the other two criteria always gets the low
iconSetCF.criteria = [
{} as any,
type: Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType.number,
operator: Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator.greaterThanOrEqual,
formula: "=700"
type: Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType.number,
operator: Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator.greaterThanOrEqual,
formula: "=1000",
await context.sync();
Ce sur quoi la formule conditionnelle de l’icône doit être basée.
type: Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType | "Invalid" | "Number" | "Percent" | "Formula" | "Percentile";
Valeur de propriété
Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType | "Invalid" | "Number" | "Percent" | "Formula" | "Percentile"
[ Ensemble d’API : ExcelApi 1.6 ]
// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/14-conditional-formatting/conditional-formatting-basic.yaml
await Excel.run(async (context) => {
const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Sample");
const range = sheet.getRange("B8:E13");
const conditionalFormat = range.conditionalFormats
const iconSetCF = conditionalFormat.iconSet;
iconSetCF.style = Excel.IconSet.threeTriangles;
The iconSetCF.criteria array is automatically prepopulated with
criterion elements whose properties have been given default settings.
You can't write to each property of a criterion directly. Instead,
replace the whole criteria object.
With a "three*" icon set style, such as "threeTriangles", the third
element in the criteria array (criteria[2]) defines the "top" icon;
e.g., a green triangle. The second (criteria[1]) defines the "middle"
icon. The first (criteria[0]) defines the "low" icon, but it
can often be left empty as the following object shows, because every
cell that does not match the other two criteria always gets the low
iconSetCF.criteria = [
{} as any,
type: Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType.number,
operator: Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator.greaterThanOrEqual,
formula: "=700"
type: Excel.ConditionalFormatIconRuleType.number,
operator: Excel.ConditionalIconCriterionOperator.greaterThanOrEqual,
formula: "=1000",
await context.sync();