Créer un indicateur de renseignement sur les menaces
Espace de noms: microsoft.graph
Les API sous la version /beta dans Microsoft Graph sont susceptibles d’être modifiées. L’utilisation de ces API dans des applications de production n’est pas prise en charge. Pour déterminer si une API est disponible dans v1.0, utilisez le sélecteur Version .
Dans le corps de la demande, fournissez une représentation JSON d’un objet tiIndicator contenant au moins un e-mail, un fichier ou un réseau observable, et les champs obligatoires suivants : action, description, expirationDateTime, targetProduct, threatType, tlpLevel.
Si elle réussit, cette méthode renvoie 201 Created le code de réponse et un objet tiIndicator dans le corps de la réponse.
Content-type: application/json
"action": "alert",
"activityGroupNames": [],
"confidence": 0,
"description": "This is a canary indicator for demo purpose. Take no action on any observables set in this indicator.",
"expirationDateTime": "2019-03-01T21:43:37.5031462+00:00",
"externalId": "Test--8586509942679764298MS501",
"fileHashType": "sha256",
"fileHashValue": "aa64428647b57bf51524d1756b2ed746e5a3f31b67cf7fe5b5d8a9daf07ca313",
"killChain": [],
"malwareFamilyNames": [],
"severity": 0,
"tags": [],
"targetProduct": "Azure Sentinel",
"threatType": "WatchList",
"tlpLevel": "green"
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 5.x
// Dependencies
using Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Models;
var requestBody = new TiIndicator
Action = TiAction.Alert,
ActivityGroupNames = new List<string>
Confidence = 0,
Description = "This is a canary indicator for demo purpose. Take no action on any observables set in this indicator.",
ExpirationDateTime = DateTimeOffset.Parse("2019-03-01T21:43:37.5031462+00:00"),
ExternalId = "Test--8586509942679764298MS501",
FileHashType = FileHashType.Sha256,
FileHashValue = "aa64428647b57bf51524d1756b2ed746e5a3f31b67cf7fe5b5d8a9daf07ca313",
KillChain = new List<string>
MalwareFamilyNames = new List<string>
Severity = 0,
Tags = new List<string>
TargetProduct = "Azure Sentinel",
ThreatType = "WatchList",
TlpLevel = TlpLevel.Green,
// To initialize your graphClient, see
var result = await graphClient.Security.TiIndicators.PostAsync(requestBody);
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 6.x
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(requestAdapter);
TiIndicator tiIndicator = new TiIndicator();
LinkedList<String> activityGroupNames = new LinkedList<String>();
tiIndicator.setDescription("This is a canary indicator for demo purpose. Take no action on any observables set in this indicator.");
OffsetDateTime expirationDateTime = OffsetDateTime.parse("2019-03-01T21:43:37.5031462+00:00");
LinkedList<String> killChain = new LinkedList<String>();
LinkedList<String> malwareFamilyNames = new LinkedList<String>();
LinkedList<String> tags = new LinkedList<String>();
tiIndicator.setTargetProduct("Azure Sentinel");
TiIndicator result =;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\GraphServiceClient;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Generated\Models\TiIndicator;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Generated\Models\TiAction;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Generated\Models\FileHashType;
use Microsoft\Graph\Beta\Generated\Models\TlpLevel;
$graphServiceClient = new GraphServiceClient($tokenRequestContext, $scopes);
$requestBody = new TiIndicator();
$requestBody->setAction(new TiAction('alert'));
$requestBody->setActivityGroupNames([ ]);
$requestBody->setDescription('This is a canary indicator for demo purpose. Take no action on any observables set in this indicator.');
$requestBody->setExpirationDateTime(new \DateTime('2019-03-01T21:43:37.5031462+00:00'));
$requestBody->setFileHashType(new FileHashType('sha256'));
$requestBody->setKillChain([ ]);
$requestBody->setMalwareFamilyNames([ ]);
$requestBody->setTags([ ]);
$requestBody->setTargetProduct('Azure Sentinel');
$requestBody->setTlpLevel(new TlpLevel('green'));
$result = $graphServiceClient->security()->tiIndicators()->post($requestBody)->wait();
# Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 1.x
from msgraph_beta import GraphServiceClient
from msgraph_beta.generated.models.ti_indicator import TiIndicator
from msgraph_beta.generated.models.ti_action import TiAction
from msgraph_beta.generated.models.file_hash_type import FileHashType
from msgraph_beta.generated.models.tlp_level import TlpLevel
# To initialize your graph_client, see
request_body = TiIndicator(
action = TiAction.Alert,
activity_group_names = [
confidence = 0,
description = "This is a canary indicator for demo purpose. Take no action on any observables set in this indicator.",
expiration_date_time = "2019-03-01T21:43:37.5031462+00:00",
external_id = "Test--8586509942679764298MS501",
file_hash_type = FileHashType.Sha256,
file_hash_value = "aa64428647b57bf51524d1756b2ed746e5a3f31b67cf7fe5b5d8a9daf07ca313",
kill_chain = [
malware_family_names = [
severity = 0,
tags = [
target_product = "Azure Sentinel",
threat_type = "WatchList",
tlp_level = TlpLevel.Green,
result = await
L’objet de réponse affiché ci-après peut être raccourci pour plus de lisibilité.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-type: application/json
"@odata.context": "$metadata#Security/tiIndicators/$entity",
"id": "e58c072b-c9bb-a5c4-34ce-eb69af44fb1e",
"action": "alert",
"additionalInformation": null,
"activityGroupNames": [],
"confidence": 0,
"description": "This is a canary indicator for demo purpose. Take no action on any observables set in this indicator.",