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PFMultiplayer C/C++ API overview - PFMatchmaking.h


Function Description
PFMatchmakingTicketCancel Cancels the ticket.
PFMatchmakingTicketGetCustomContext Retrieves the app's private, custom pointer-sized context value previously associated with this ticket object.
PFMatchmakingTicketGetMatch Provides the match, if one has been found.
PFMatchmakingTicketGetStatus Provides the matchmaking ticket status.
PFMatchmakingTicketGetTicketId Provides the ticket ID.
PFMatchmakingTicketSetCustomContext Configures an optional, custom pointer-sized context value with this ticket object.
PFMultiplayerCreateMatchmakingTicket Creates a matchmaking ticket for one or more local users.
PFMultiplayerCreateServerBackfillTicket Creates a server backfill ticket.
PFMultiplayerDestroyMatchmakingTicket Destroys the matchmaking ticket.
PFMultiplayerFinishProcessingMatchmakingStateChanges Returns an array of matchmaking state changes that were being processed.
PFMultiplayerJoinMatchmakingTicketFromId Joins one or more multiple local users to a matchmaking ticket using a ticket ID and queue name.
PFMultiplayerStartProcessingMatchmakingStateChanges Retrieves an array of all matchmaking state changes to process since the last such call.


Structure Description
PFMatchmakingMatchDetails The resulting match information found by a completed ticket.
PFMatchmakingMatchMember A member of a match result.
PFMatchmakingServerBackfillTicketConfiguration Defines the configuration for a server backfill ticket.
PFMatchmakingTicketConfiguration Defines the configuration for a matchmaking ticket.
PFMultiplayerPort A port used by a Playfab Multiplayer Server.
PFMultiplayerServerDetails Details about a Playfab Multiplayer Server.

State changes

State change Description
PFMatchmakingStateChange A generic, base structure representation of an event or change in state in the Matchmaking library.
PFMatchmakingTicketCompletedStateChange Information specific to the TicketCompleted type of state change.
PFMatchmakingTicketStatusChangedStateChange Information specific to the TicketStatusChanged type of state change.


Enumeration Description
PFMatchmakingStateChangeType The types of state changes that can occur in the Matchmaking library.
PFMatchmakingTicketStatus The possible states for a matchmaking ticket.
PFMultiplayerProtocolType The protocol type used for connecting to a PlayFab Multiplayer Server port.