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Services C API overview - PFAuthenticationTypes.h


Structure Description
PFAuthenticationAuthenticateCustomIdRequest PFAuthenticationAuthenticateCustomIdRequest data model. Create or return a game_server entity token. Caller must be a title entity.
PFAuthenticationAuthenticateCustomIdResult PFAuthenticationAuthenticateCustomIdResult data model.
PFAuthenticationDeleteRequest PFAuthenticationDeleteRequest data model. Delete a game_server entity. The caller can be the game_server entity attempting to delete itself. Or a title entity attempting to delete game_server entities for this title.
PFAuthenticationEntityTokenResponse PFAuthenticationEntityTokenResponse data model.
PFAuthenticationGetEntityRequest PFAuthenticationGetEntityRequest data model. This API must be called with X-SecretKey, X-Authentication or X-EntityToken headers. An optional EntityKey may be included to attempt to set the resulting EntityToken to a specific entity, however the entity must be a relation of the caller, such as the master_player_account of a character. If sending X-EntityToken the account will be marked as freshly logged in and will issue a new token. If using X-Authentication or X-EntityToken the header must still be valid and cannot be expired or revoked.
PFAuthenticationLoginResult PFAuthenticationLoginResult data model.
PFAuthenticationLoginWithAppleRequest PFAuthenticationLoginWithAppleRequest data model.
PFAuthenticationLoginWithCustomIDRequest PFAuthenticationLoginWithCustomIDRequest data model. It is highly recommended that developers ensure that it is extremely unlikely that a customer could generate an ID which is already in use by another customer. If this is the first time a user has signed in with the Custom ID and CreateAccount is set to true, a new PlayFab account will be created and linked to the Custom ID. In this case, no email or username will be associated with the PlayFab account. Otherwise, if no PlayFab account is linked to the Custom ID, an error indicating this will be returned, so that the title can guide the user through creation of a PlayFab account.
PFAuthenticationLoginWithFacebookRequest PFAuthenticationLoginWithFacebookRequest data model. Facebook sign-in is accomplished using the Facebook User Access Token. More information on the Token can be found in the Facebook developer documentation ( In Unity, for example, the Token is available as AccessToken in the Facebook SDK ScriptableObject FB. If this is the first time a user has signed in with the Facebook account and CreateAccount is set to true, a new PlayFab account will be created and linked to the provided account's Facebook ID. In this case, no email or username will be associated with the PlayFab account. Otherwise, if no PlayFab account is linked to the Facebook account, an error indicating this will be returned, so that the title can guide the user through creation of a PlayFab account. Note that titles should never re-use the same Facebook applications between PlayFab Title IDs, as Facebook provides unique user IDs per application and doing so can result in issues with the Facebook ID for the user in their PlayFab account information. If you must re-use an application in a new PlayFab Title ID, please be sure to first unlink all accounts from Facebook, or delete all users in the first Title ID. Note: If the user is authenticated with AuthenticationToken, instead of AccessToken, the GetFriendsList API will return an empty list.
PFAuthenticationLoginWithGameCenterRequest PFAuthenticationLoginWithGameCenterRequest data model. The Game Center player identifier ( // apple_ref/occ/instp/ACAccount/identifier) is a generated string which is stored on the local device. As with device identifiers, care must be taken to never expose a player's Game Center identifier to end users, as that could result in a user's account being compromised. If this is the first time a user has signed in with Game Center and CreateAccount is set to true, a new PlayFab account will be created and linked to the Game Center identifier. In this case, no email or username will be associated with the PlayFab account. Otherwise, if no PlayFab account is linked to the Game Center account, an error indicating this will be returned, so that the title can guide the user through creation of a PlayFab account. If an invalid iOS Game Center player identifier is used, an error indicating this will be returned.
PFAuthenticationLoginWithGoogleAccountRequest PFAuthenticationLoginWithGoogleAccountRequest data model. Google sign-in is accomplished by obtaining a Google OAuth 2.0 credential using the Google sign-in for Android APIs on the device and passing it to this API. If this is the first time a user has signed in with the Google account and CreateAccount is set to true, a new PlayFab account will be created and linked to the Google account. Otherwise, if no PlayFab account is linked to the Google account, an error indicating this will be returned, so that the title can guide the user through creation of a PlayFab account. The current (recommended) method for obtaining a Google account credential in an Android application is to call GoogleSignInAccount.getServerAuthCode() and send the auth code as the ServerAuthCode parameter of this API. Before doing this, you must create an OAuth 2.0 web application client ID in the Google API Console and configure its client ID and secret in the PlayFab Game Manager Google Add-on for your title. This method does not require prompting of the user for additional Google account permissions, resulting in a user experience with the least possible friction. For more information about obtaining the server auth code, see The previous (deprecated) method was to obtain an OAuth access token by calling GetAccessToken() on the client and passing it as the AccessToken parameter to this API. for the with the Google OAuth 2.0 Access Token. More information on this change can be found in the Google developer documentation (
PFAuthenticationLoginWithGooglePlayGamesServicesRequest PFAuthenticationLoginWithGooglePlayGamesServicesRequest data model. Google Play Games sign-in is accomplished by obtaining a Google OAuth 2.0 credential using the Google Play Games sign-in for Android APIs on the device and passing it to this API. If this is the first time a user has signed in with the Google Play Games account and CreateAccount is set to true, a new PlayFab account will be created and linked to the Google Play Games account. Otherwise, if no PlayFab account is linked to the Google Play Games account, an error indicating this will be returned, so that the title can guide the user through creation of a PlayFab account. The current (recommended) method for obtaining a Google Play Games account credential in an Android application is to call GamesSignInClient.requestServerSideAccess() and send the auth code as the ServerAuthCode parameter of this API. Before doing this, you must create an OAuth 2.0 web application client ID in the Google API Console and configure its client ID and secret in the PlayFab Game Manager Google Add-on for your title. This method does not require prompting of the user for additional Google account permissions, resulting in a user experience with the least possible friction. For more information about obtaining the server auth code, see
PFAuthenticationLoginWithNintendoServiceAccountRequest PFAuthenticationLoginWithNintendoServiceAccountRequest data model.
PFAuthenticationLoginWithOpenIdConnectRequest PFAuthenticationLoginWithOpenIdConnectRequest data model.
PFAuthenticationLoginWithPSNRequest PFAuthenticationLoginWithPSNRequest data model. If this is the first time a user has signed in with the PlayStation ™️ Network account and CreateAccount is set to true, a new PlayFab account will be created and linked to the PlayStation ™️ Network account. In this case, no email or username will be associated with the PlayFab account. Otherwise, if no PlayFab account is linked to the PlayStation ™️ Network account, an error indicating this will be returned, so that the title can guide the user through creation of a PlayFab account.
PFAuthenticationLoginWithServerCustomIdRequest PFAuthenticationLoginWithServerCustomIdRequest data model.
PFAuthenticationLoginWithSteamIdRequest PFAuthenticationLoginWithSteamIdRequest data model. If this is the first time a user has signed in with the Steam ID and CreateAccount is set to true, a new PlayFab account will be created and linked to the Steam account. In this case, no email or username will be associated with the PlayFab account. Otherwise, if no PlayFab account is linked to the Steam account, an error indicating this will be returned, so that the title can guide the user through creation of a PlayFab account. Steam users that are not logged into the Steam Client app will only have their Steam username synced, other data, such as currency and country will not be available until they login while the Client is open.
PFAuthenticationLoginWithSteamRequest PFAuthenticationLoginWithSteamRequest data model. Steam sign-in is accomplished with the Steam Session Ticket. More information on the Ticket can be found in the Steamworks SDK, here: NOTE: For Steam authentication to work, the title must be configured with the Steam Application ID and Web API Key in the PlayFab Game Manager (under Steam in the Add-ons Marketplace). You can obtain a Web API Key from the Permissions page of any Group associated with your App ID in the Steamworks site. If this is the first time a user has signed in with the Steam account and CreateAccount is set to true, a new PlayFab account will be created and linked to the provided account's Steam ID. In this case, no email or username will be associated with the PlayFab account. Otherwise, if no PlayFab account is linked to the Steam account, an error indicating this will be returned, so that the title can guide the user through creation of a PlayFab account.
PFAuthenticationLoginWithXboxIdRequest PFAuthenticationLoginWithXboxIdRequest data model. If this is the first time a user has signed in with the Xbox ID and CreateAccount is set to true, a new PlayFab account will be created and linked to the Xbox Live account. In this case, no email or username will be associated with the PlayFab account. Otherwise, if no PlayFab account is linked to the Xbox Live account, an error indicating this will be returned, so that the title can guide the user through creation of a PlayFab account.
PFAuthenticationLoginWithXboxRequest PFAuthenticationLoginWithXboxRequest data model. If this is the first time a user has signed in with the Xbox Live account and CreateAccount is set to true, a new PlayFab account will be created and linked to the Xbox Live account. In this case, no email or username will be associated with the PlayFab account. Otherwise, if no PlayFab account is linked to the Xbox Live account, an error indicating this will be returned, so that the title can guide the user through creation of a PlayFab account.
PFAuthenticationLoginWithXUserRequest PFAuthenticationLoginWithXUserRequest data model. If this is the first time a user has signed in with the Xbox Live account and CreateAccount is set to true, a new PlayFab account will be created and linked to the Xbox Live account. In this case, no email or username will be associated with the PlayFab account. Otherwise, if no PlayFab account is linked to the Xbox Live account, an error indicating this will be returned, so that the title can guide the user through creation of a PlayFab account. Request object for PFAuthenticationLoginWithXUserAsync.
PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithXboxRequest PFAuthenticationServerLoginWithXboxRequest data model. If this is the first time a user has signed in with the Xbox Live account and CreateAccount is set to true, a new PlayFab account will be created and linked to the Xbox Live account. In this case, no email or username will be associated with the PlayFab account. Otherwise, if no PlayFab account is linked to the Xbox Live account, an error indicating this will be returned, so that the title can guide the user through creation of a PlayFab account.
PFAuthenticationUserSettings PFAuthenticationUserSettings data model.
PFAuthenticationValidateEntityTokenRequest PFAuthenticationValidateEntityTokenRequest data model. Given an entity token, validates that it hasn't expired or been revoked and will return details of the owner.
PFAuthenticationValidateEntityTokenResponse PFAuthenticationValidateEntityTokenResponse data model.

State changes

State change Description


Enumeration Description
PFAuthenticationIdentifiedDeviceType IdentifiedDeviceType enum.