GameInput APIs are used to capture human input from a wide range of devices, such as game controllers, flight sticks, racing wheels, and touch input. Devices not explicitly supported by these APIs can be read as raw device input.
If you are developing for Windows and not Xbox, you may wish to upgrade to the GameInput v.1 API; it is the newest version but is not 1:1 compatible with consoles.
Interface | Description |
IGameInput | A per-process singleton used to access the device input stream. |
IGameInputDevice | Represents an Input device. |
IGameInputDispatcher | llows you to take manual control of scheduling the background work run by the GameInput API. |
IGameInputForceFeedbackEffect | Describes and tracks a force feedback effect on a supporting input device. |
IGameInputRawDeviceReport | Represents a raw byte buffer passed to or from an input device. |
IGameInputReading | Encapsulates the data for a single input update. |
Function | Description |
GameInputCreate | Gets an instance of the IGameInput interface. |
GameInputDeviceCallback | Title defined call back for device connected and disconnected events. |
GameInputKeyboardLayoutCallback | Title-defined callback for keyboard layout change events |
GameInputReadingCallback | Title defined callback for the new reading arrived event. |
GameInputSystemButtonCallback | Title-defined callback for the Guide or Share button (pressed or released) event. |
Structure | Description |
GameInputArcadeStickInfo | Describes the properties of an arcade stick. |
GameInputArcadeStickState | Describes the state of an arcade stick. |
GameInputBatteryState | Describes the battery state of an input device. |
GameInputControllerAxisInfo | Describes an axis on an input device. |
GameInputControllerButtonInfo | Describes a button on an input device. |
GameInputControllerSwitchInfo | Describes a switch on an input device. |
GameInputDeviceInfo | Describes all the information about an input device. |
GameInputFlightStickInfo | Describes the properties of a flight stick. |
GameInputFlightStickState | Describes the state of a flight stick. |
GameInputForceFeedbackConditionParams | Defines some physical aspect of a force-feedback effect. |
GameInputForceFeedbackConstantParams | Defines a constant physical aspect of a force-feedback effect. |
GameInputForceFeedbackEnvelope | Defines an envelope that modifies a force-feedback effect. |
GameInputForceFeedbackMagnitude | Defines the magnitude of the force exhibited by a force-feedback effect. |
GameInputForceFeedbackMotorInfo | Defines the force-feedback motor information. |
GameInputForceFeedbackParams | Defines the API-supported attributes of a force-feedback effect. |
GameInputForceFeedbackPeriodicParams | The parameters that define periodic force-feedback effect. |
GameInputForceFeedbackRampParams | Defines the parameters for a ramp force-feedback effect. |
GameInputGamepadInfo | Describes the properties of a gamepad. |
GameInputGamepadState | Describes the state of a gamepad input device. |
GameInputHapticFeedbackMotorInfo | Describes a haptic feedback motor in an input device. |
GameInputHapticFeedbackParams | Describes a haptic feedback effect for an input device. |
GameInputHapticWaveformInfo | Describes characteristics of a haptic feedback effect. |
GameInputKeyboardInfo | Describes the properties of a keyboard. |
GameInputKeyState | Describes the state of an active key on a game controller. |
GameInputMotionInfo | Describes measurable properties for a motion-enabled input device. |
GameInputMotionState | Describes the state of motion input from a motion-enabled input device. |
GameInputMouseInfo | Describes the properties of a mouse. |
GameInputMouseState | Describes the state of a mouse. |
GameInputRacingWheelInfo | Describes the properties of a racing wheel. |
GameInputRacingWheelState | Describes the state of a racing wheel. |
GameInputRawDeviceItemCollectionInfo | Describes a collection of raw device items. |
GameInputRawDeviceReportInfo | Describes a report of the raw stream from an input device. |
GameInputRawDeviceReportItemInfo | Information describing a Raw Device Report Item. |
GameInputRumbleParams | Describes a rumble effect produced by a standard controller. |
GameInputString | Describes a string that contains information about an input device. |
GameInputTouchSensorInfo | Describes a touch sensor for an input device. |
GameInputTouchState | Describes the state of a touch input device. |
GameInputUiNavigationInfo | Describes the labels of navigation buttons in the UI. |
GameInputUiNavigationState | Describes the state of UI navigation input. |
GameInputUsage | Describes a specific HID usage. |
GameInputVersion | Describes a four-part version number. |
Enumeration | Description |
GameInputArcadeStickButtons | Enumerates inputs from an arcade stick. |
GameInputBatteryStatus | Enumerates battery states for an input device. |
GameInputDeviceCapabilities | Enumerates certain capabilities of an input device. |
GameInputDeviceFamily | Enumerates families of input devices. |
GameInputDeviceStatus | Enumeration of the states that an input device can be in. |
GameInputEnumerationKind | Enumerates types of behavior for enumerating input devices. |
GameInputFeedbackAxes | Enumeration of direction types of force feedback motors available on an input device. |
GameInputFeedbackEffectState | Enumerates states of a force feedback effect. |
GameInputFlightStickButtons | Enumerates flight stick buttons. |
GameInputFocusPolicy | Enumerates focus policies for an input device. |
GameInputForceFeedbackEffectKind | numeration of the types of magnitude over time effects that can be applied to a force feedback effect. |
GameInputGamepadButtons | Enumerates gamepad buttons, including the directional pad (D-pad). |
GameInputKeyboardKind | Enumerates keyboard types by key layout. |
GameInputKind | Enumeration of valid GameInput device types. |
GameInputLabel | Enumeration of supported button labels. |
GameInputLocation | Enumerates the parts of an input device. |
GameInputMotionAccuracy | Enumerates levels of accuracy for motion sensors in an input device. |
GameInputMouseButtons | Enumerates mouse buttons. |
GameInputRacingWheelButtons | Enumerates buttons on a racing wheel. |
GameInputRawDeviceItemCollectionKind | Enumerates types of collections of raw device items. |
GameInputRawDevicePhysicalUnitKind | Enumerates physical units associated with an input of an input device. |
GameInputRawDeviceReportItemFlags | Enumerates types of raw device-report items. |
GameInputRawDeviceReportKind | Enumerates types of raw device reports. |
GameInputRumbleMotors | Enumerates the API supported rumble motors for an input device. |
GameInputSwitchKind | Enumerates types of switches supported by an input device. |
GameInputSwitchPosition | Enumerates positions of a switch on an input device. |
GameInputSystemButtons | Enumerates buttons used for controlling the system. |
GameInputTouchShape | Enumerates shapes of a touch sensor. |
GameInputUiNavigationButtons | Enumerates UI navigation buttons. |