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Upgrading Per-Tenant Extensions that Conflicts with Other Extensions

In AL, all top-level objects are declared in the same global namespace. The extensions installed in an environment cannot have the same top-level object declared multiple times or controls, fields, or dataitems with the same name defined multiple times in the same logical object. This means that a table extension, for example, cannot add a field with the same name as a field in the extended table. This topic shows how to upgrade an extension which declares a table or a field that conflicts with a table or a field declared by another extension.

Two objects with the same name

If Extension A defines the following table

table 10 MyTable {}

And Extension B defines the table below

table 20 MyTable {}

Extension A and Extension B cannot be installed in the same environment because the two tables have the same name. An error will be raised when the installation of the second extension is attempted and the installation will fail.

Two objects with the same field name

If Extension A defines the following table and field

table 10 MyTable 
	field(1; MyField; Integer){}

And Extension B defines the table and field below

tableextension 20 MyTableExt extends MyTable
	field(10; MyField; Boolean){}

Then Extension B will fail to compile because the field in the table extension has the same name as the field in the base table. Publishing Extension B will fail with a compilation error.

In general, it is recommended using affixes for your object and element names to prevent this type of conflicts. For more information, see Prefix and suffix for naming in extensions.


To make the issue more concrete, the following example illustrates how this problem can manifest itself and how to resolve it. In a Business Central environment running on Business Central 2020 release wave 1, update 16.5 (version 16.5), a per-tenant extension, named MyExtension by Contoso version contains the following table extension:

tableextension 50100 SalesCreditMemoHeaderExt extends  "Sales Cr.Memo Header"
		Field(50100; "Shipping Agent Service Code"; Code[10])

The table extension adds the field Shipping Agent Service Code to the Sales Cr.Memo Header table defined in the Base Application extension by Microsoft.

In Business Central 2020 release wave 2 (version 17.0), Microsoft enhances the table Sales Cr.Memo Header by adding the following field:

field(5794; "Shipping Agent Service Code"; Code[10]) {}

The service will then attempt to upgrade the environment from version 16.5 to version 17.0 of the product. During the upgrade process, the per-tenant extension will be recompiled against the latest version of the Base Application. The compilation will fail with an error message similar to:

"A member of type Field with name "Shipping Agent Service Code" is already defined in Table "Sales Cr.Memo Header" by the extension "Base Application by Microsoft (".

The service will now dismiss the upgrade of the environment and an email will be sent to the administrator registered in the Tenant Administration Center containing the above error message.

The first reaction may be to modify the per-tenant extension, remove the conflicting field, and then try to upload version to the service. This will, however, fail with an error message similar to:

"Per-tenant extension "MyExtension" version by "Contoso" failed to synchronize the database schema.".

This error message is raised because the system does not allow implicitly removing or renaming schema elements such as tables and table fields. To upgrade the environment, it is necessary to forcefully remove the conflicting field by following these steps:

  1. Create a sandbox.
    Because the following steps can lead to data-loss, it is recommended that the steps are first performed in a sandbox environment created as a copy from the production environment. For more information, see Create a new environment.
  2. Export data using RapidStart.
    Start by backing up the data contained in the tables or table extensions declared by the extension using RapidStart. Use other mechanisms to backup the data, but the main point is to backup data to an external storage system.
  3. Uninstall the extension.
    Uninstall the extension and select the option to delete the extension's data and schema. Using this option will delete the tables and fields contributed by the table extension and the environment will delete any trace of the extension.
  4. Remove the field from the extension.
    Create version of the extension that does not contain the field which conflicts with the one from the "Base Application". Deploy this version of the extension to the environment.
  5. Import the data.
    Import the data that has been backed up from the rapid start package or the external storage system used in step 2.
  6. Upgrade the environment.
    At this point, the conflict is resolved and you should be able to update the environment. Schedule an update for the sandbox and ensure it is successfully updated. If upgrade fails, troubleshoot the issue.

Once the sandbox environment has been successfully updated to the next release, steps 2-6 on the production environment must be replicated. Before doing so, ensure that the customer will not be impacted by the changes and clearly communicate a maintenance window in which the work will be performed.

Upgrading AppSource Apps in Production