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Guide pratique pour choisir entre StackPanel et DockPanel

Bien que vous puissiez utiliser DockPanel ou StackPanel pour empiler des éléments enfants, les deux éléments de contrôle ne produisent pas toujours les mêmes résultats. Par exemple, l’ordre dans lequel vous placez des éléments enfants peut affecter la taille des éléments enfants dans un DockPanel, mais pas dans un StackPanel. Ce comportement différent se produit parce que StackPanel mesure dans la direction de l'empilement à Double.PositiveInfinity; toutefois, DockPanel ne mesure que la taille disponible.

Les exemples de cet article créent une Grid avec deux panneaux, qui ressemblent à l’image suivante :

Une grille avec deux panneaux et des cœurs.

Exemple XAML

L’exemple suivant illustre la différence clé entre DockPanel et StackPanel lors de la conception d’une page en XAML.

<Grid Width="175" Height="150">
        <ControlTemplate x:Key="EmojiViewBox" TargetType="{x:Type ContentControl}">
                <Border Background="LightGray" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="0.5">
                    <TextBlock Foreground="Red">💕</TextBlock>
        <RowDefinition />
        <RowDefinition />

    <DockPanel Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0">
        <ContentControl Template="{StaticResource EmojiViewBox}" />
        <ContentControl Template="{StaticResource EmojiViewBox}" />
        <ContentControl Template="{StaticResource EmojiViewBox}" />

    <StackPanel Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1"  Orientation="Horizontal">
        <ContentControl Template="{StaticResource EmojiViewBox}" />
        <ContentControl Template="{StaticResource EmojiViewBox}" />
        <ContentControl Template="{StaticResource EmojiViewBox}" />

Exemple basé sur le code

L’exemple suivant illustre la différence clé entre DockPanel et StackPanel. Ce code est exécuté dans le gestionnaire d’événements Window.Loaded :

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    Grid gridContainer = new Grid()
        Width = 175,
        Height = 150

    // Template to generate the content
    ControlTemplate viewBoxTemplate = (ControlTemplate)System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.Parse(@"
        <ControlTemplate TargetType=""ContentControl"" xmlns="""">
                <Border Background=""LightGray"" BorderBrush=""Black"" BorderThickness=""0.5"">
                    <TextBlock Foreground=""Red"">💕</TextBlock>

    gridContainer.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());
    gridContainer.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());

    // Dock panel
    DockPanel panel1 = new DockPanel();
    Grid.SetRow(panel1, 0);

    // Create the three controls for the panel
    panel1.Children.Add(new ContentControl() { Template = viewBoxTemplate });
    panel1.Children.Add(new ContentControl() { Template = viewBoxTemplate });
    panel1.Children.Add(new ContentControl() { Template = viewBoxTemplate });

    // Add the dock panel to the grid

    // Stack panel
    StackPanel panel2 = new StackPanel();
    panel2.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
    Grid.SetRow(panel2, 1);

    // Create the three controls for the panel
    panel2.Children.Add(new ContentControl() { Template = viewBoxTemplate });
    panel2.Children.Add(new ContentControl() { Template = viewBoxTemplate });
    panel2.Children.Add(new ContentControl() { Template = viewBoxTemplate });

    // Add the dock panel to the grid
    // Set the grid as the content of this window or page
    Content = gridContainer;
Private Sub Window_Loaded(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
    Dim gridContainer As New Grid() With {.Width = 175, .Height = 150}

    ' Template to generate the content
    Dim viewBoxTemplate As ControlTemplate = DirectCast(Markup.XamlReader.Parse("
            <ControlTemplate TargetType=""ContentControl"" xmlns="""">
                    <Border Background=""LightGray"" BorderBrush=""Black"" BorderThickness=""0.5"">
                        <TextBlock Foreground=""Red"">💕</TextBlock>
            </ControlTemplate>"), ControlTemplate)

    gridContainer.RowDefinitions.Add(New RowDefinition())
    gridContainer.RowDefinitions.Add(New RowDefinition())

    ' Dock panel
    Dim panel1 As New DockPanel()
    Grid.SetRow(panel1, 0)

    ' Create the three controls for the panel
    panel1.Children.Add(New ContentControl() With {.Template = viewBoxTemplate})
    panel1.Children.Add(New ContentControl() With {.Template = viewBoxTemplate})
    panel1.Children.Add(New ContentControl() With {.Template = viewBoxTemplate})

    ' Add the dock panel to the grid

    ' Stack panel
    Dim panel2 As New StackPanel() With {.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal}
    Grid.SetRow(panel2, 1)

    ' Create the three controls for the panel
    panel2.Children.Add(New ContentControl() With {.Template = viewBoxTemplate})
    panel2.Children.Add(New ContentControl() With {.Template = viewBoxTemplate})
    panel2.Children.Add(New ContentControl() With {.Template = viewBoxTemplate})

    ' Add the dock panel to the grid

    'Set the grid as the content of this window or page
    Content = gridContainer
End Sub

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