StatusBarPanelStyle Énumération
Certaines informations portent sur la préversion du produit qui est susceptible d’être en grande partie modifiée avant sa publication. Microsoft exclut toute garantie, expresse ou implicite, concernant les informations fournies ici.
Indique si un objet StatusBarPanel sur un contrôle StatusBar est owner-drawn ou system-drawn.
public enum class StatusBarPanelStyle
public enum StatusBarPanelStyle
type StatusBarPanelStyle =
Public Enum StatusBarPanelStyle
- Héritage
Nom | Valeur | Description |
OwnerDraw | 2 | StatusBarPanel est dessiné par le propriétaire. |
Text | 1 | Le StatusBarPanel affiche du texte dans la police standard. |
L’exemple de code suivant montre comment utiliser la Style propriété, le StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler délégué, la StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs classe, l’énumération StatusBarPanelStyle et la StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs.Panel propriété. Pour exécuter l’exemple, collez le code suivant dans un formulaire. Appelez la InitializeStatusBarPanels
méthode dans le constructeur ou Load la méthode de gestion des événements du formulaire.
StatusBar^ StatusBar1;
void InitializeStatusBarPanels()
StatusBar1 = gcnew StatusBar;
// Create two StatusBarPanel objects.
StatusBarPanel^ panel1 = gcnew StatusBarPanel;
StatusBarPanel^ panel2 = gcnew StatusBarPanel;
// Set the style of the panels.
// panel1 will be owner-drawn.
panel1->Style = StatusBarPanelStyle::OwnerDraw;
// The panel2 object will be drawn by the operating system.
panel2->Style = StatusBarPanelStyle::Text;
// Set the text of both panels to the same date string.
panel1->Text = System::DateTime::Today.ToShortDateString();
panel2->Text = System::DateTime::Today.ToShortDateString();
// Add both panels to the StatusBar.
StatusBar1->Panels->Add( panel1 );
StatusBar1->Panels->Add( panel2 );
// Make panels visible by setting the ShowPanels
// property to True.
StatusBar1->ShowPanels = true;
// Associate the event-handling method with the DrawItem event
// for the owner-drawn panel.
StatusBar1->DrawItem += gcnew StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler( this, &Form1::DrawCustomStatusBarPanel );
this->Controls->Add( StatusBar1 );
// Draw the panel.
void DrawCustomStatusBarPanel( Object^ sender, StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs^ e )
// Draw a blue background in the owner-drawn panel.
e->Graphics->FillRectangle( Brushes::AliceBlue, e->Bounds );
// Create a StringFormat object to align text in the panel.
StringFormat^ textFormat = gcnew StringFormat;
// Center the text in the middle of the line.
textFormat->LineAlignment = StringAlignment::Center;
// Align the text to the left.
textFormat->Alignment = StringAlignment::Far;
// Draw the panel's text in dark blue using the Panel
// and Bounds properties of the StatusBarEventArgs object
// and the StringFormat object.
e->Graphics->DrawString( e->Panel->Text, StatusBar1->Font, Brushes::DarkBlue, RectangleF(e->Bounds.X,e->Bounds.Y,e->Bounds.Width,e->Bounds.Height), textFormat );
private StatusBar StatusBar1;
private void InitializeStatusBarPanels()
StatusBar1 = new StatusBar();
// Create two StatusBarPanel objects.
StatusBarPanel panel1 = new StatusBarPanel();
StatusBarPanel panel2 = new StatusBarPanel();
// Set the style of the panels.
// panel1 will be owner-drawn.
panel1.Style = StatusBarPanelStyle.OwnerDraw;
// The panel2 object will be drawn by the operating system.
panel2.Style = StatusBarPanelStyle.Text;
// Set the text of both panels to the same date string.
panel1.Text = System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
panel2.Text = System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
// Add both panels to the StatusBar.
// Make panels visible by setting the ShowPanels
// property to True.
StatusBar1.ShowPanels = true;
// Associate the event-handling method with the DrawItem event
// for the owner-drawn panel.
StatusBar1.DrawItem +=
new StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler(DrawCustomStatusBarPanel);
// Draw the panel.
private void DrawCustomStatusBarPanel(object sender,
StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs e)
// Draw a blue background in the owner-drawn panel.
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.AliceBlue, e.Bounds);
// Create a StringFormat object to align text in the panel.
StringFormat textFormat = new StringFormat();
// Center the text in the middle of the line.
textFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
// Align the text to the left.
textFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
// Draw the panel's text in dark blue using the Panel
// and Bounds properties of the StatusBarEventArgs object
// and the StringFormat object.
e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Panel.Text, StatusBar1.Font,
Brushes.DarkBlue, new RectangleF(e.Bounds.X,
e.Bounds.Y, e.Bounds.Width, e.Bounds.Height), textFormat);
Private StatusBar1 As StatusBar
Private Sub InitializeStatusBarPanels()
StatusBar1 = New StatusBar
' Create two StatusBarPanel objects.
Dim panel1 As New StatusBarPanel
Dim panel2 As New StatusBarPanel
' Set the style of the panels.
' panel1 will be owner-drawn.
panel1.Style = StatusBarPanelStyle.OwnerDraw
' The panel2 object will be drawn by the operating system.
panel2.Style = StatusBarPanelStyle.Text
' Set the text of both panels to the same date string.
panel1.Text = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()
panel2.Text = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()
' Add both panels to the StatusBar.
' Make panels visible by setting the ShowPanels
' property to True.
StatusBar1.ShowPanels = True
' Use the AddHandler syntax to handle the DrawItem event
' for the owner-drawn panel.
AddHandler StatusBar1.DrawItem, _
New StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler( _
AddressOf DrawCustomStatusBarPanel)
End Sub
' Draw the panel.
Private Sub DrawCustomStatusBarPanel(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs)
' Draw a blue background in the owner-drawn panel.
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.AliceBlue, e.Bounds)
' Create a StringFormat object to align text in the panel.
Dim textFormat As New StringFormat
' Center the text in the middle of the line.
textFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
' Align the text to the left.
textFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far
' Draw the panel's text in dark blue using the Panel
' and Bounds properties of the StatusBarEventArgs object
' and the StringFormat object.
e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Panel.Text, StatusBar1.Font, _
Brushes.DarkBlue, New RectangleF(e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y, _
e.Bounds.Width, e.Bounds.Height), textFormat)
End Sub
Utilisez les membres de cette énumération pour définir la valeur de la Style propriété de la StatusBarPanel classe . La propriété Style détermine la façon dont le StatusBarPanel sera affiché. StatusBarPanel les objets peuvent afficher du texte simple ou être dessinés par le propriétaire. Les objets dessinés par StatusBarPanel le propriétaire prennent en charge l’affichage d’images ou d’une police différente du reste des StatusBarPanel objets d’un StatusBar contrôle, tandis que les objets dessinés StatusBarPanel par le système sont utilisés pour afficher uniquement du texte (ou du texte et une icône si une icône est spécifiée dans la Icon propriété du StatusBarPanel). Pour effectuer les opérations de dessin du propriétaire sur un tracé par StatusBarPanelle propriétaire , utilisez l’événement DrawItem du StatusBar contrôle.