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HtmlElement.InsertAdjacentElement Méthode


Insère un nouvel élément dans le modèle DOM.

 System::Windows::Forms::HtmlElement ^ InsertAdjacentElement(System::Windows::Forms::HtmlElementInsertionOrientation orient, System::Windows::Forms::HtmlElement ^ newElement);
 System::Windows::Forms::HtmlElement ^ InsertAdjacentElement(System::Windows::Forms::HtmlElementInsertionOrientation orientation, System::Windows::Forms::HtmlElement ^ newElement);
public System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement InsertAdjacentElement(System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementInsertionOrientation orient, System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement newElement);
public System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement? InsertAdjacentElement(System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementInsertionOrientation orientation, System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement newElement);
public System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement? InsertAdjacentElement(System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementInsertionOrientation orient, System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement newElement);
member this.InsertAdjacentElement : System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementInsertionOrientation * System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement -> System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement
member this.InsertAdjacentElement : System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementInsertionOrientation * System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement -> System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement
Public Function InsertAdjacentElement (orient As HtmlElementInsertionOrientation, newElement As HtmlElement) As HtmlElement
Public Function InsertAdjacentElement (orientation As HtmlElementInsertionOrientation, newElement As HtmlElement) As HtmlElement



Emplacement où insérer cet élément par rapport à l'élément actuel.


Nouvel élément à insérer.


HtmlElement qui vient d'être inséré. En cas d'échec de l'insertion, retourne null.


L’exemple de code suivant insère un DIV élément en haut de chaque page que les utilisateurs affichent en dehors du serveur L’exemple exige que votre formulaire contienne un WebBrowser contrôle nommé WebBrowser1. Votre exemple doit également importer l’espace de noms System.Text.RegularExpressions.

public void AddDivMessage()
    Uri currentUri = new Uri(webBrowser1.Url.ToString());
    String hostName = null;

    // Ensure we have a host name, and not just an IP, against which to test.
    if (!(currentUri.HostNameType == UriHostNameType.Dns))
        DnsPermission permit = new DnsPermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState.Unrestricted);

        IPHostEntry hostEntry = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(currentUri.Host);
        hostName = hostEntry.HostName;
        hostName = currentUri.Host;

    if (!hostName.Contains(""))
        AddTopPageMessage("You are viewing a web site other than " +
            "Please exercise caution, and ensure your Web surfing complies with all " +
            "corporate regulations as laid out in the company handbook.");

private void AddTopPageMessage(String message)
    if (webBrowser1.Document != null)
        HtmlDocument doc = webBrowser1.Document;

        // Do not insert the warning again if it already exists. 
        HtmlElementCollection returnedElems = doc.All.GetElementsByName("ADatumWarningDiv");
        if ((returnedElems != null) && (returnedElems.Count > 0))

        HtmlElement divElem = doc.CreateElement("DIV");
        divElem.Name = "ADatumWarningDiv";
        divElem.Style = "background-color:black;color:white;font-weight:bold;width:100%;";
        divElem.InnerText = message;

        divElem = doc.Body.InsertAdjacentElement(HtmlElementInsertionOrientation.AfterBegin, divElem);
Private Sub AddDivMessage()
    Dim CurrentUri As New Uri(WebBrowser1.Url.ToString())
    Dim HostName As String

    ' Ensure we have a host name, and not just an IP, against which to test.
    If (Not CurrentUri.HostNameType = UriHostNameType.Dns) Then
        Dim Permit As New DnsPermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState.Unrestricted)

        Dim HostEntry As IPHostEntry = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(CurrentUri.Host)
        HostName = HostEntry.HostName
        HostName = CurrentUri.Host
    End If

    If (Not HostName.Contains("")) Then
        AddTopPageMessage("You are viewing a web site other than " & _
            "Please exercise caution, and ensure your web surfing complies with all " & _
            "corporate regulations as laid out in the company handbook.")
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub AddTopPageMessage(ByVal Message As String)
    If (WebBrowser1.Document IsNot Nothing) Then
        With WebBrowser1.Document
            ' Do not insert the warning again if it already exists. 
            Dim ReturnedElems As HtmlElementCollection = .All.GetElementsByName("ADatumWarningDiv")
            If (Not (ReturnedElems Is Nothing) And (ReturnedElems.Count > 0)) Then
                Exit Sub
            End If

            Dim DivElem As HtmlElement = .CreateElement("DIV")
            DivElem.Name = "ADatumWarningDiv"
            DivElem.Style = "background-color:black;color:white;font-weight:bold;width:100%;"
            DivElem.InnerText = Message

            DivElem = .Body.InsertAdjacentElement(HtmlElementInsertionOrientation.AfterBegin, DivElem)
        End With
    End If
End Sub


N’appelez cette méthode qu’après que l’événement DocumentCompleted sur le WebBrowser contrôle s’est produit. L’appel de cette méthode avant cela peut entraîner une exception, car le chargement du document n’est pas terminé.

La valeur de HtmlElementInsertionOrientation est valide dépend du type de l’élément. Par exemple, AfterBegin est valide si l’élément est un DIVélément , mais pas s’il s’agit d’un SCRIPT élément ou IMG , aucun d’entre lui ne peut contenir d’éléments enfants.

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