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Object.Finalize Méthode


Autorise un objet à tenter de libérer des ressources et à exécuter d'autres opérations de nettoyage avant qu'il ne soit récupéré par une opération garbage collection.

!Object ()
abstract member Finalize : unit -> unit
override this.Finalize : unit -> unit
Finalize ()


L’exemple suivant vérifie que la Finalize méthode est appelée lorsqu’un objet qui remplace Finalize est détruit. Notez que, dans une application de production, la Finalize méthode est remplacée pour libérer les ressources non managées détenues par l’objet. Notez également que l’exemple C# fournit un destructeur au lieu de remplacer la Finalize méthode.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

public class ExampleClass
   Stopwatch sw;

   public ExampleClass()
      sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
      Console.WriteLine("Instantiated object");

   public void ShowDuration()
      Console.WriteLine("This instance of {0} has been in existence for {1}",
                        this, sw.Elapsed);

      Console.WriteLine("Finalizing object");
      Console.WriteLine("This instance of {0} has been in existence for {1}",
                        this, sw.Elapsed);

public class Demo
   public static void Main()
      ExampleClass ex = new ExampleClass();
// The example displays output like the following:
//    Instantiated object
//    This instance of ExampleClass has been in existence for 00:00:00.0011060
//    Finalizing object
//    This instance of ExampleClass has been in existence for 00:00:00.0036294
open System.Diagnostics

type ExampleClass() =
    let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
        printfn "Instantiated object"

    member this.ShowDuration() =
        printfn $"This instance of {this} has been in existence for {sw.Elapsed}"

    override this.Finalize() =
        printfn "Finalizing object"
        printfn $"This instance of {this} has been in existence for {sw.Elapsed}"

let ex = ExampleClass()
// The example displays output like the following:
//    Instantiated object
//    This instance of ExampleClass has been in existence for 00:00:00.0011060
//    Finalizing object
//    This instance of ExampleClass has been in existence for 00:00:00.0036294
Imports System.Diagnostics

Public Class ExampleClass
   Dim sw As StopWatch
   Public Sub New()
      sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
      Console.WriteLine("Instantiated object")
   End Sub 

   Public Sub ShowDuration()
      Console.WriteLine("This instance of {0} has been in existence for {1}",
                        Me, sw.Elapsed)
   End Sub
   Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
      Console.WriteLine("Finalizing object")
      Console.WriteLine("This instance of {0} has been in existence for {1}",
                        Me, sw.Elapsed)
   End Sub
End Class

Module Demo
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim ex As New ExampleClass()
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays output like the following:
'    Instantiated object
'    This instance of ExampleClass has been in existence for 00:00:00.0011060
'    Finalizing object
'    This instance of ExampleClass has been in existence for 00:00:00.0036294

Pour obtenir un exemple supplémentaire qui remplace la Finalize méthode, consultez la GC.SuppressFinalize méthode .


Pour plus d’informations sur cette API, consultez Remarques supplémentaires sur l’API pour Object.Finalise.

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