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Overview of CloudforSustainabilityCarbonDataModel

Cloud for Sustainability Carbon Data Model CDM entity definitions


Name Description
AccommodationType Entity used for classifying the type of hotel accommodation, as defined in the reporting company.
BusinessTravel Entity for business travel activity data, including vehicle, train, and air travel, as well as hotel stays.
BusinessTravelType Entity used for classifying the type of business travel, as defined in the reporting company.
CapitalGood Purchased entity that depreciates over time.
ContractualInstrumentType Documented method/approach to confirm and validate source data.
DeprecatedProductCarbonFootprint The carbon footprint of a product and related data in accordance with the Pathfinder Framework.
DisposalMethod Entity used for classifying the type of disposal method, as defined in the reporting company.
Emission Entity which lists the most common greenhouse gases and their quantities as output of calculation or direct measurement.
EmissionsSource Greenhouse Gas Protocol-defined emissions sources in scopes 1, 2, and 3.
EmployeeCommuting Entity for employee commuting data
EmployeeCommutingType Entity used for classifying the type of employee commuting, as defined in the reporting company.
EndOfLifeTreatmentOfSoldProducts Entity for end for life treatment of sold products
FuelType List of fuels to be used during combustion, as needed for emissions factor selection.
FugitiveEmission Greenhouse gas emissions that cannot reasonably be expected to be captured. Typically includes refrigerants.
GreenhouseGas Entity for greenhouse gases.
IndustrialProcess Emissions source for scope 1 emissions relating to industrial processes.
Investment The investment entity monitors and manages indirect greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the organization's investments in projects, companies, or assets contributing to climate change.
MobileCombustion Combustion that occurs in a moving vehicle, such as a car or truck.
PartnerActivity Table that holds activities from external sources
PartnerEmission Emissions from external sources
ProductFootprint The carbon footprint of a product with values in accordance with the Pathfinder Framework.
ProductFootprintAudit Assurance contains the assurance in conformance with Pathfinder Framework.
ProductFootprintRuleMapping Mapping table from sustainability product carbon footprints to product- or sector-specific rules rules applied for calculating or allocating emissions.
ProductOrSectorSpecificRuleset A set of product- or sector-specific rules published by a specific operator and applied during product carbon footprint calculation.
PurchasedEnergy Electric energy, measured in MWh, delivered by the utility to a customer in accordance with the signed agreement.
PurchasedGoodAndService Entity for purchased goods and services.
SpendType Entity that represents a spend type, as defined in the reporting company. Used for classifying purchases.
StationaryCombustion Combustion that occurs in a fixed asset, such as a boiler or furnace.
TransportationAndDistribution Upstream and downstream transportation and distribution activities.
TransportMode The mode of transportation or distribution used in an activity, such as air, rail, or storage.
VehicleType Category of vehicle. Used by your organization as reference data to assist with emission factor selection for mobile combustion calculations.
WasteGeneratedInOperations Entity for waste generated in operations, including disposal and treatment of waste generated.