Partager via

MSBTS_ReceiveLocation.ReceivePortName, propriété (WMI)


Contient le nom du port de réception utilisé par l'emplacement de réception.

La syntaxe présentée est indépendante de la langue.


string ReceivePortName;  


Cette propriété est en lecture seule.

Cette propriété est requise pour la création d'une instance.

Cette propriété a un qualificateur de clé . Avec MgmtDbNameOverride, Name et MgmtDbServerOverride, cette clé forme une clé composée pour la classe.

La longueur maximale de cette propriété est de 256 caractères.


L'exemple suivant est issu du fichier SDK\Samples\Admin\WMI\Enable Receive Location\VBScript\EnableRecLoc.vbs.

Sub EnableReceiveLocation()  
   'Get the command line arguments entered for the script  
   Dim objArgs: Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments  
   'error handling is done by explicity checking the err object rather than using  
   'the VB ON ERROR construct, so set to resume next on error.  
   On Error Resume Next  
   'Make sure the expected number of arguments were provided on the command line.  
   'if not, print usage text and exit.  
   If (objArgs.Count < 2) Or (objArgs.Count > 3) Then  
      WScript.Quit 0  
   End If  
   Dim objInstSet, objInst, strQuery  
   Dim strReceivePortName, strReceiveLocationName, strTransportURL  
   strReceivePortName = objArgs(0)  
   strReceiveLocationName = objArgs(1)  
   'Check if TransportURL is to be set  
   If (objArgs.Count = 3) Then  
      'TransportURI for these samples are being set reletive to install location  
      ' NOTE: This is assuming that this is a FILE transport type  
      ' and we want to update it with the current directory  
      Dim WshShell  
      Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")  
      'Check for error condition before continuing.  
      If Err <> 0   Then  
         PrintWMIErrorThenExit Err.Description, Err.Number  
      End If  
      strTransportURL = WshShell.CurrentDirectory & objArgs(2)  
      strTransportURL = ""  
   End If  
   'set up a WMI query to acquire a list of receive locations with the given Name and   
   'ReceivePortName key values.  This should be a list of zero or one Receive Locations.  
   strQuery = "SELECT * FROM MSBTS_ReceiveLocation WHERE  ReceivePortName =""" & strReceivePortName & """AND Name =""" & strReceiveLocationName & """"  
   Set objInstSet = GetObject("Winmgmts:!root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer").ExecQuery(strQuery)  
   'Check for error condition before continuing.  
   If Err <> 0   Then  
      PrintWMIErrorThenExit Err.Description, Err.Number  
   End If  
   'If Receive Location found, enable it, otherwise print error and end.  
   If objInstSet.Count > 0 then  
      For Each objInst in objInstSet  
         'If the TransportURL is to be set, change it now  
         If "" <> strTransportURL Then  
            objInst.InboundTransportURL = strTransportURL  
            If Err <> 0   Then  
               PrintWMIErrorThenExit Err.Description, Err.Number  
            End If  
            WScript.Echo "Inbound Transport URL was set to:"  
            WScript.Echo strTransportURL  
         End If  
         'Now commit the change  
         If Err <> 0   Then  
            PrintWMIErrorThenExit Err.Description, Err.Number  
         End If  
         WScript.Echo "Changes were successfully committed."  
         'Now enable to receive location  
         If Err <> 0   Then  
            PrintWMIErrorThenExit Err.Description, Err.Number  
         End If  
         WScript.Echo "The Receive Location was successfully enabled."  
      WScript.Echo "No Receive Location was found matching that Name."  
   End If  
End Sub  

L'exemple suivant est issu du fichier SDK\Samples\Admin\WMI\Enumerate Receive Locations\VBScript\EnumRecLocs.vbs.

Sub EnumRecLocs()  
   'error handling is done by explicity checking the err object rather than using  
   'the VB ON ERROR construct, so set to resume next on error.  
   on error resume next  
   Dim InstSet, Inst  
   set InstSet = GetObject ("winmgmts:\root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer").InstancesOf("MSBTS_ReceiveLocation")  
   'Check for error condition before continuing.  
   If Err <> 0   Then  
      PrintWMIErrorThenExit Err.Description, Err.Number  
   End If  
   'Report on number of receive locations found and list each one.  
   wscript.echo "A Total of " & InstSet.Count & " Receive Locations were found."  
   If InstSet.Count > 0 Then  
      For Each Inst In InstSet  
         wscript.echo "Receive Location Name: " & Inst.Name  
         wscript.echo "  Disabled           : " & Inst.IsDisabled  
         wscript.echo "  Pipeline Name      : " & Inst.PipelineName  
         wscript.echo "  Receive Port Name  : " & Inst.ReceivePortName  
   End If   
End Sub  

Aucun exemple n'est fourni pour C#.

Configuration requise

En-tête: Déclaré dans BTSWMISchemaXP.mof.

Espace de noms : inclus dans \root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer.