Mappage et installation des instances d'hôte à l'aide de WMI
Utilisez le code suivant pour mapper et installer des instances d’hôte à l’aide des classes MSBTS_ServerHost et MSBTS_HostInstance .
using System.Management;
//Function to Map and Install a HostInstance using MSBTS_ServerHost and MSBTS_HostInstance
public void MapAndInstall(string hostName, string svrName, string uid, string pwd)
//Build the name of the HostInstance - name has to be in the below format
string hostInstanceName = "Microsoft BizTalk Server" //Name of product
+ " " + hostName //Name of Host of which instance is to be created
+ " " + svrName; //Name of Server on which instance is to be created
//Create an instance of the ServerHost class using the System.Management namespace
ObjectGetOptions svrHostOptions = new ObjectGetOptions();
ManagementClass svrHostClass = new ManagementClass("root\\MicrosoftBizTalkServer","MSBTS_ServerHost",svrHostOptions);
ManagementObject svrHostObject = svrHostClass.CreateInstance();
//Set the properties of the ServerHost instance
svrHostObject["ServerName"] = svrName;
svrHostObject["HostName"] = hostName;
//Invoke the Map method of the ServerHost instance
//Create an instance of the HostInstance class using the System.Management namespace
ObjectGetOptions hostInstOptions = new ObjectGetOptions();
ManagementClass hostInstClass = new ManagementClass("root\\MicrosoftBizTalkServer","MSBTS_HostInstance",hostInstOptions);
ManagementObject hostInstObject = hostInstClass.CreateInstance();
//Set the properties of the HostInstance class
hostInstObject["Name"] = hostInstanceName;
//Build a parameter array
object [] args = new object[2];
args[0] = uid;
args[1] = pwd;
//Invoke the Install method of the HostInstance
Console.WriteLine("HostInstance was mapped and installed successfully. Mapping created between Host: " + hostName + " and Server: " + svrName);
catch(Exception excep)
Console.WriteLine("Failure during HostInstance creation: " + excep.Message);
Option Explicit
' Map and install a host instance using MSBTS_ServerHost and MSBTS_HostInstance
Sub MapInstallHostInstance (HostName, ServerName, uid, pwd)
On Error Resume Next
Dim objLocator, objService, objServerHost, objSH
Dim objHostInstance, objHI
' Connects to local server WMI Provider BizTalk namespace
Set objLocator = Createobject ("wbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set objService = objLocator.ConnectServer(".", "root/MicrosoftBizTalkServer")
' Step 1 - Create mapping between server and host using MSBTS_ServerHost class
Set objServerHost = objService.Get ("MSBTS_ServerHost")
Set objSH = objServerHost.SpawnInstance_
objSH.HostName = HostName
objSH.ServerName = ServerName
' Invoke MSBTS_ServerHost Map method
wscript.echo "Host - " & HostName & " - has been mapped successfully to server - " & ServerName
' Step 2 - Install the host instance using MSBTS_HostInstance class
Set objHostInstance = objService.Get ("MSBTS_HostInstance")
Set objHI = objHostInstance.SpawnInstance_
objHI.Name = "Microsoft BizTalk Server " & HostName & " " & ServerName
' Invoke MSBTS_HostInstance Install method
objHI.Install uid, pwd, true ' Calling MSBTS_HostInstance::Install(string Logon, string Password, boolean GrantLogOnAsService) method
wscript.echo "HostInstance - " & HostName & " - has been installed successfully on server - " & ServerName
end Sub
'This subroutine deals with all errors using the WbemScripting object. Error descriptions
'are returned to the user by printing to the console.
Sub CheckWMIError()
If Err <> 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
Dim strErrDesc: strErrDesc = Err.Description
Dim ErrNum: ErrNum = Err.Number
Dim WMIError : Set WMIError = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SwbemLastError")
If ( TypeName(WMIError) = "Empty" ) Then
wscript.echo strErrDesc & " (HRESULT: " & Hex(ErrNum) & ")."
wscript.echo WMIError.Description & "(HRESULT: " & Hex(ErrNum) & ")."
Set WMIError = nothing
End If
wscript.quit 0
End If
End Sub
Voir aussi
Exemples de script WMI
MSBTS_ServerHost (WMI)
MSBTS_HostInstance (WMI)