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Quickstart: Search the web using the Bing Web Search REST API and Go

Use this quickstart to make your first call to the Bing Web Search API. This Go application sends a search request to the API, and shows the JSON response. Although this application is written in Go, the API is a RESTful Web service compatible with most programming languages.

The code examples in this quickstart require only core libraries; there are no external dependencies.


Here are a few things that you'll need before running this quickstart:

Create a project and import core libraries

Create a new Go project in your favorite IDE or editor. Then, import net/http for requests, ioutil to read the response, time and encoding/json to handle the JSON, and fmt to print the output.

package main
import (

Create a struct to format the search results

The BingAnswer struct formats the data provided in the response.

// This struct formats the answers provided by the Bing Web Search API.
type BingAnswer struct {
        Type         string `json:"_type"`
        QueryContext struct {
                OriginalQuery string `json:"originalQuery"`
        } `json:"queryContext"`
        WebPages struct {
                WebSearchURL          string `json:"webSearchUrl"`
                TotalEstimatedMatches int    `json:"totalEstimatedMatches"`
                Value                 []struct {
                        ID               string    `json:"id"`
                        Name             string    `json:"name"`
                        URL              string    `json:"url"`
                        IsFamilyFriendly bool      `json:"isFamilyFriendly"`
                        DisplayURL       string    `json:"displayUrl"`
                        Snippet          string    `json:"snippet"`
                        DateLastCrawled  time.Time `json:"dateLastCrawled"`
                        SearchTags       []struct {
                                Name    string `json:"name"`
                                Content string `json:"content"`
                        } `json:"searchTags,omitempty"`
                        About []struct {
                                Name string `json:"name"`
                        } `json:"about,omitempty"`
                } `json:"value"`
        } `json:"webPages"`
        RelatedSearches struct {
                ID    string `json:"id"`
                Value []struct {
                        Text         string `json:"text"`
                        DisplayText  string `json:"displayText"`
                        WebSearchURL string `json:"webSearchUrl"`
                } `json:"value"`
        } `json:"relatedSearches"`
        RankingResponse struct {
                Mainline struct {
                        Items []struct {
                                AnswerType  string `json:"answerType"`
                                ResultIndex int    `json:"resultIndex"`
                                Value       struct {
                                        ID string `json:"id"`
                                } `json:"value"`
                        } `json:"items"`
                } `json:"mainline"`
                Sidebar struct {
                        Items []struct {
                                AnswerType string `json:"answerType"`
                                Value      struct {
                                        ID string `json:"id"`
                                } `json:"value"`
                        } `json:"items"`
                } `json:"sidebar"`
        } `json:"rankingResponse"`

Declare the main function and define variables

This code declares the main function and sets the required variables:

  1. Confirm that the endpoint is correct and replace the token value with a valid subscription key from your Azure account.

  2. Optionally, customize the search query by replacing the value for searchTerm.

// Declare the main function. This is required for all Go programs.
func main() {
// Replace the token string with a valid subscription key.  
    const endpoint = ""
    token := "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY"
    searchTerm := "Microsoft Bing Search Services"

// The remaining code in this quickstart goes in the main function.


Construct a request

This code declares the HTTP request, inserts the header and payload, and instantiates the client.

// Declare a new GET request.
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", endpoint, nil)
if err != nil {

// Add the payload to the request.  
param := req.URL.Query()
param.Add("q", searchTerm)
req.URL.RawQuery = param.Encode()

// Insert the request header.  
req.Header.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", token)

// Instantiate a client.  
client := new(http.Client)

Make a request

Use this code to call the Bing Web Search API and close the connection after a response is returned.

// Send the request to Bing.  
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {

// Close the connection.
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {

Handle the response

Use the struct we created previously to format the response and print the search results.

// Create a new answer.  
ans := new(BingAnswer)
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &ans)
if err != nil {
// Iterate over search results and print the result name and URL.
for _, result := range ans.WebPages.Value {
    fmt.Println(result.Name, "||", result.URL)

Put it all together

The last step is to validate your code and run it. If you'd like to compare your code with ours, here's the complete program:

package main
import (

// The is the struct for the data returned by Bing.
type BingAnswer struct {
        Type         string `json:"_type"`
        QueryContext struct {
                OriginalQuery string `json:"originalQuery"`
        } `json:"queryContext"`
        WebPages struct {
                WebSearchURL          string `json:"webSearchUrl"`
                TotalEstimatedMatches int    `json:"totalEstimatedMatches"`
                Value                 []struct {
                        ID               string    `json:"id"`
                        Name             string    `json:"name"`
                        URL              string    `json:"url"`
                        IsFamilyFriendly bool      `json:"isFamilyFriendly"`
                        DisplayURL       string    `json:"displayUrl"`
                        Snippet          string    `json:"snippet"`
                        DateLastCrawled  time.Time `json:"dateLastCrawled"`
                        SearchTags       []struct {
                                Name    string `json:"name"`
                                Content string `json:"content"`
                        } `json:"searchTags,omitempty"`
                        About []struct {
                                Name string `json:"name"`
                        } `json:"about,omitempty"`
                } `json:"value"`
        } `json:"webPages"`
        RelatedSearches struct {
                ID    string `json:"id"`
                Value []struct {
                        Text         string `json:"text"`
                        DisplayText  string `json:"displayText"`
                        WebSearchURL string `json:"webSearchUrl"`
                } `json:"value"`
        } `json:"relatedSearches"`
        RankingResponse struct {
                Mainline struct {
                        Items []struct {
                                AnswerType  string `json:"answerType"`
                                ResultIndex int    `json:"resultIndex"`
                                Value       struct {
                                        ID string `json:"id"`
                                } `json:"value"`
                        } `json:"items"`
                } `json:"mainline"`
                Sidebar struct {
                        Items []struct {
                                AnswerType string `json:"answerType"`
                                Value      struct {
                                        ID string `json:"id"`
                                } `json:"value"`
                        } `json:"items"`
                } `json:"sidebar"`
        } `json:"rankingResponse"`

// Replace the token string with a valid subscription key.  
func main() {
    const endpoint = ""
    token := "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY"
    searchTerm := "Microsoft Cognitive Services"

    // Declare a new GET request.
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", endpoint, nil)
    if err != nil {

    // Add the payload to the request.  
    param := req.URL.Query()
    param.Add("q", searchTerm)
    req.URL.RawQuery = param.Encode()

    // Insert the request header.  
    req.Header.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", token)

    // Create a new client.  
    client := new(http.Client)

    // Send the request to Bing.  
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    if err != nil {

    // Close the response.
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {

    // Create a new answer.  
    ans := new(BingAnswer)
    err = json.Unmarshal(body, &ans)
    if err != nil {

    // Iterate over search results and print the result name and URL.
    for _, result := range ans.WebPages.Value {
         fmt.Println(result.Name, "||", result.URL)


Example JSON response

Responses from the Bing Web Search API are returned as JSON. This sample response has been formatted by using the BingAnswer struct and shows the result.Name and result.URL.

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