Règle linter : simplifier JSON null
Cette règle recherche json('null')
Code de règle de linter
Utilisez la valeur suivante dans le fichier config Bicep pour personnaliser les paramètres de règle :
L’exemple suivant échoue à ce test, car json('null')
est utilisé :
@description('The name of the API Management service instance')
param apiManagementServiceName string = 'apiservice${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'
@description('The email address of the owner of the service')
param publisherEmail string
@description('The name of the owner of the service')
param publisherName string
@description('The pricing tier of this API Management service')
param sku string = 'Premium'
@description('The instance size of this API Management service.')
param skuCount int = 3
@description('Location for all resources.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location
@description('Zone numbers e.g. 1,2,3.')
param availabilityZones array = [
resource apiManagementService 'Microsoft.ApiManagement/service@2023-05-01-preview' = {
name: apiManagementServiceName
location: location
zones: ((length(availabilityZones) == 0) ? json('null') : availabilityZones)
sku: {
name: sku
capacity: skuCount
identity: {
type: 'SystemAssigned'
properties: {
publisherEmail: publisherEmail
publisherName: publisherName
Vous pouvez simplifier la syntaxe en remplaçant json('null')
par null
@description('The name of the API Management service instance')
param apiManagementServiceName string = 'apiservice${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'
@description('The email address of the owner of the service')
param publisherEmail string
@description('The name of the owner of the service')
param publisherName string
@description('The pricing tier of this API Management service')
param sku string = 'Premium'
@description('The instance size of this API Management service.')
param skuCount int = 3
@description('Location for all resources.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location
@description('Zone numbers e.g. 1,2,3.')
param availabilityZones array = [
resource apiManagementService 'Microsoft.ApiManagement/service@2023-05-01-preview' = {
name: apiManagementServiceName
location: location
zones: ((length(availabilityZones) == 0) ? null : availabilityZones)
sku: {
name: sku
capacity: skuCount
identity: {
type: 'SystemAssigned'
properties: {
publisherEmail: publisherEmail
publisherName: publisherName
Vous pouvez simplifier la syntaxe en sélectionnant Correctif rapide, comme illustré dans la capture d’écran suivante :
Étapes suivantes
Pour plus d’informations sur le linter, consultez Utiliser le linter Bicep.