One week with no update? Wassup?
I know…but let me explain why.
We are on the final stage for the book; we MUST finish all review by end of this month so MS Press can start the production phase in order to have this book available by December 2009. Since we started writing this book when TMG MBE was still on Beta (yeah, more than one year ago) we have lots of screens to update and also some final technical details to adjust to make sure that is all up to date with the latest build that we have internally. In summary: it is a LOT of work to do until end of this month.
Although I’m absent from here, I’m still writing for ISA Team Blog and this month I already posted two entries there:
· Time Matters - When ISA Server is affected by Windows Time settings
Besides that I was working to get my Windows Internals exam done (took it last week and passed). It was a tough exam, I took it last year when it was still on Beta and failed (got 636 and need 700 minimum). Last month I finish reading Windows Internals 4th Edition to prepare for this. Now I’m catching up on my “To Read List” (in the following order):
· Windows Internals 5th Edition (some interesting updates on it)
· Reversing – Secrets of Reversing Engineering (very cool book)
· ANSI C++ (this is the type of book to read in calm moments)
The good thing about being busy with so many projects is that the recognition will come (soon or later). An example of that is what I’m harvesting now from my OOF time in Brazil last June. When I was there I delivered some presentations about information security and now that initiative is part of the ISSA Security Start 25th anniversary gallery, see this link here for more details. I’m not sure if I will be able to go to CA, but it is already an honor to be on this list with so many great people (like my fellow MS friend Russ McRee).
There are other two projects that I can’t reveal right now, but I’m very excited about it and looking forward to start. It will take a year to get it done, but…it will be worth to wait.