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Recent Product Categories published to WSUS

WSUS Admins:

I'm behind on my new product category blog posts but this will 'catch me up". Most of you have discovered these two by now, but here here is the belated information. thanks and apologies for the delay - Bobbie

New SMS 2003 Category

WSUS has a new product family (Systems Management Server) and a new product category called Systems Management Server 2003. The first update offered was Service Pack 2 for SMS 2003. SMS 2003’s primary update deployment tool is the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates that utilizes the WSUS offline catalog ( ITMU has and has been updated as of November 2, 2006 to use the new catalog ( This new category will allow SMS 2003 to detect and deploy updates for itself. The offline catalog is based on the live MU site (just like the WSUS live catalog) hence the reason this new category will appear in the WSUS Admin console.

 Visual Studio:

A new product family for Visual Studio has been added to your WSUS server. WSUS admins can expect most update classifications to be delivered for Visual Studio product categories by subscribing to this product family.
