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DHCP test lab guides now available

You may not think DHCP is that exciting, as networking technologies go. It doesn’t have that “new car smell” of DirectAccess or BranchCache. It doesn’t connect the world like TCP/IP. It just hangs out on your network—like an old friend—ready to give you a loan when you need it. Anyone who has a wireless router is familiar with how easy DHCP can be to setup set up and use. Plug it in and away it goes, happily handing out addresses to your two or three home networked devices – easy-peasy. But wait. Try deploying DHCP in a large corporation where there are thousands of computers just begging for addresses, and others that want to hijack and impersonate good computers and mess everything up (inhale) and your job depends on the good ones always getting what they want and the bad ones being spurned (inhale) and the moment the DHCP server goes down and the addresses choked off, YOU ARE FIRED! Well then, you might think DHCP is exciting, and not so easy-peasy and nice, like an old friend.

Fortunately, for those of you at the precipice of DHCP disaster, we have written four step-by-step guides to help you learn how to keep your enterprise level DHCP services running at optimal clip, reducing the chance that you’ll suddenly find yourself unemployed:

· DHCP Step-by-Step Guide: Demonstrate DHCP Link Layer-based Filtering in a Test Lab

· DHCP Step-by-Step Guide: Demonstrate DHCP Failover – Clustering in a Test Lab

· DHCP Step-by-Step Guide: Demonstrate DHCP Name Protection in a Test Lab

· DHCP Step-by-Step Guide: Demonstrate DHCP Split Scope with Delay on a Secondary Server in a Test Lab

Corey Plett
Technical Writer
The Windows Server Networking Documentation Team