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September 2012 Optional Updates are on ECE for WEPOS and POSReady 2009

The September 2012 Optional Updates are now available on the ECE site for WEPOS and Windows Embedded POSReady 2009.

The list below applies to Windows Embedded POSReady 2009:

  • KB2755802 - This update fixes an issue with POS for .NET v1.12, where POS for .NET v1.12 crashes when using .NET 4.0.  Volume Licensed customers can download this KB from the Download Center.
  • KB2758314 - This update installs the Group Policy Update Utility, gpupdate.exe.  Volume Licensed customers can download this KB from the Download Center.

The list below applies to WEPOS 1.1:

  • KB2758314 - This update installs the Group Policy Update Utility, gpupdate.exe.

If you have questions on accessing the ECE, please email Windows Embedded Communications Feedback & Support,