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Microsoft TechNet Guru Competition May 2018

All the votes (for May) are in, just before the lock down!!

Sorry for slight delay this month. We need more judges in Small Basic, BizTalk, Azure & System Center.

If you or someone you know is a Microsoft employee, MVP or wish to join the TechNet Wiki Community Council, please get in touch.

Getting down to it... below are the results for the TechNet Guru Awards May 2018 !!!!


The TechNet Guru Awards celebrate the technical articles on TechNet, contributed from valued wiki authors like YOU!

Each month, the contributions are scored by a panel of judges (5 per category, 2-3 in each are MS experts), and the winners of each category are showered with love and attention from all corners of TechNet.

See the links at the bottom, to find out more about the competition and how to enter.


We have picked the top three highest scored contributions for each category to bestow our awards upon.

The awards are in gold, silver and bronze, the gold obviously being the top winner of the category.

The last column is just a few of the comments judges made during the judging process.

In some cases, we have not obtained permission to use the judges names, so they have been reduced to initials.


My fellow wiki ninjas will be digging deeper into some of these articles in this blog series, so watch out for those.


Any of our judges can exercise their right to veto an article, if they do not feel it meets minimum requirements for a medal.

When this is the case, we will at least give an indication of the reason, so you understand why.


A big thank you also to the other authors who did not make the top three of each category.

Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.

 ASP.NET Technical Guru - May 2018 
Gold Award Winner SYED SHANU ASP.NET Core Blazor CRUD using Entity Framework and Web API
Jeff Fritz: "Great content format. I like the use of animated GIFs and video"Sabah Shariq: "The article is simple to follow and it's well presented."Khanna Gaurav: "Great article"
Silver Award Winner AnkitSharma007 ASP.NET Core 2.0: Using Highcharts With Angular 5
Jeff Fritz: "Nice use of animated GIFs to show the tooltip features. Great commentary around each of the code blocks"Khanna Gaurav: "Nicely explained"Sabah Shariq: "Great article with a lot of code snippets and explanations, nice!"
Bronze Award Winner AnkitSharma007 ASP.NET Core – CRUD Using Blazor And Entity Framework Core
Sabah Shariq: "Great article!"Khanna Gaurav: "Nice article"Jeff Fritz: "Blazor is not released, not supported, and it needs to be conveyed that this is an experiment. This feels misleading, but other wise content is good"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:


 BizTalk Technical Guru - May 2018 
Gold Award Winner [Kamlesh Kumar] [Missed from April] BizTalk: Configure TLS 1.2 on BizTalk Server
Abhishek Kumar: "Nice article and must read for TLS issues.Thanks Kamlesh for sharing"JS: "So helpful to have all of this cataloged on one place. Great job."
Silver Award Winner Mandar Dharmadhikari BizTalk: Implementing Custom User Name and Password Authorization On WCF Receive Location
Abhishek Kumar: "Good article Mandar . Keep them coming"JS: "Nice read!"


 Forefront Identity Manager Technical Guru - May 2018 
Gold Award Winner Peter Geelen MIM/FIM Troubleshooting: Sync service terminated with service-specific error %%-2146234334 (Primary Server)
Søren Granfeldt: "Nice troubleshooting tip for handling the good old sync setup"Lasse Wedø: "Although presented with an error and a solution, I would like to se an introduction and a scenario not just a link to another forum post."
Silver Award Winner Mitch King - 365 Guy FIM / MIM / AADC - Real World Working With Multi Forest & "Resource Forest" Model
Lasse Wedø: "Informational and to the point."Søren Granfeldt: "Nice post Mitch"
Bronze Award Winner Peter Geelen MIM/FIM Troubleshooting Collection: Sync service terminated with service-specific error %%-2146234334
Søren Granfeldt: "Duplicate? Seems empty"Lasse Wedø: "Thanks Peter"


 Microsoft Azure Technical Guru - May 2018 
Gold Award Winner DBS14 Calling an Integration Account Assembly Function from within an Azure Logic App
Lasse Wedø: "Good and informational"Nicolas Bonnet: "Good read!"
Silver Award Winner Pete Laker Azure Cognitive Services - Computer Vision - Face Recognition API - Identify and search all your photos for FREE!
Lasse Wedø: "Good stuff, but I would like the introduction to be more to the point"
Bronze Award Winner Subhro Majumder Introduction to Azure Active Directory
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Purely perfect article."Lasse Wedø: "There is a lot of good information here, but nothing new. This can all be found at various official sites. I would rather have an article pointing me to important official links"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:


 Miscellaneous Technical Guru - May 2018 
Gold Award Winner SYED SHANU Getting started with Xamarin Android Single View App
Peter Geelen: "Nice work, with a great mix of images, video and text!"Lasse Wedø: "Good information, I would use less screenshots, and possibly revisit the layout regarding spacing."Kia Zhi Tang: "Nice walk-through on getting started with Xamarin on Andriod. Enjoyed reading this."Richard Mueller: "Thank you for this detailed explanation of an interesting app. The See Also should only include links to other Wiki articles. More references would add a lot."
Silver Award Winner AnkitSharma007 Getting Started With Angular 6.0
Richard Mueller: "Well done, with good steps and images. Good See Also. A few things need explanation or links, like "node" and "npm", for those new to Angular."Peter Geelen: "Well done!"Lasse Wedø: "This article could be improved with a better intro including references to what angular actually is"Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing. Nodejs & Angular on VSCode."


 SharePoint Technical Guru - May 2018 
Gold Award Winner Ramakrishnan Raman Use bootstrap with SharePoint Framework (SPFx) webpart & extensions
John Naguib: "Thanks a lot for this nice sharing"Tiago Costa: "Great article with a lot of good information"
Silver Award Winner Vivek Jagga Bulk User Properties Import with SharePoint Online
Tiago Costa: "Simple article. I will add some Microsoft Graph information for Azure AD integration, …."John Naguib: "Nice one, thanks"
Bronze Award Winner Waqas Sarwar Outgoing Email issue with SharePoint 2016
John Naguib: "Well done , thanks for sharing"Tiago Costa: "Simple but Interesting article"


 Small Basic Technical Guru - May 2018 
Gold Award Winner Nonki Takahashi Small Basic: Compatible Systems
SYEDSHANU: "Nice Share Nonki Takahashi.Visual Programming Tool Link seems to be broken Link need to be updated."


 SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - May 2018 
Gold Award Winner Mohsin_A_Khan SQL Server: Concurrency Control Models, ACID Properties and Transaction Isolation Levels
Visakh16: "A quality and well detailed article talking through the internals of ACID properties, concurrency control and isolation levels. The usage of small examples for illustrations are great. On the whole a very good article for someone to get thorough idea on the internals of SQLServer and some basic DB fundamentals"Tomaž Kaštrun: "A nice demonstration the SQL Server database Isolation levels with practical queries."Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Awesome article which cover the topic from start to end. nice example and well explained. This article is well written from the technical perspective as well as from the way it is presented as TechNet Wiki article. Well done!"


 System Center Technical Guru - May 2018 
Gold Award Winner Leon Laude SCOM 2016: Integrating with HPE OneView 4.0
Kia Zhi Tang: "Loves to see walk-through with screenshots on integrating with other vendors. Thank you for sharing. It will be great if you build a See Also section with all those System Center wiki articles and a Reference section of those Microsoft docs / HP docs related to this wiki."
Silver Award Winner Simon Dettling Removing orphaned Active Directory Users from Configuration Manager
Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for the handy Windows PowerShell script and the Wiki article explanations about it. :)"
Bronze Award Winner Leon Laude SCOM 2016: Integration with Operations Management Suite (OMS)
Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for sharing about integrating On-Premise SCOM with Azure Log Analytics service for OMS Suite screenshots walk-through. It will be great if you build a See Also section with all those System Center wiki articles and a Reference section of those Microsoft docs related to this wiki."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

  • System Center Orchestrator 2016: Connecting to Microsoft Azure by Leon Laude
    Kia Zhi Tang: "Good walk-through with screenshots on self-signed certificate. Hope to see the use of PKI issued certificate for enterprises. Thank you for sharing. It will be great if you build a See Also section with all those System Center wiki articles and a Reference section of those Microsoft docs related to this wiki."
  • SCOM 2016: Monitor a specific Windows Event by Leon Laude
    Kia Zhi Tang: "This is always good walk-through with screenshots for monitoring customization. Thank you for sharing. It will be great if you build a See Also section with all those System Center wiki articles and a Reference section of those Microsoft docs related to this wiki."
  • Enabling SCOM maintenance mode from an agent computer by Leon Laude
    Kia Zhi Tang: "Nice walk-through with screenshots and explanation of the background mechanics. Thank you for sharing. It will be great if you build a See Also section with all those System Center wiki articles and a Reference section of those Microsoft docs related to this wiki."
  • Setting up an Azure Backup Vault registration with DPM 2016 by Leon Laude
    Kia Zhi Tang: "This is a good walk-through with screenshots. Thank you for sharing. It will be great if you build a See Also section with all those System Center wiki articles and a Reference section of those Microsoft docs related to this wiki."
  • SCORCH 1801 Integration with SCOM 1801 by Leon Laude
    Kia Zhi Tang: "This is a good walk-through with screenshots due to the dependency for .Net Framework (mscorlib.dll). Thank you for sharing. It will be great if you build a See Also section with all those System Center wiki articles and a Reference section of those Microsoft docs related to this wiki."


 Transact-SQL Technical Guru - May 2018 
Gold Award Winner Visakh16 Simulating IGNORE NULLs Functionality On FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUE Functions in Transact SQL
Tomaž Kaštrun: "Article shows a nice example of using FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE when there are NULL values in corresponding fields."Richard Mueller: "Interesting topic, and well done. I like the links explaining FIRST VALUE, etc. But the See Also should only include links to Wiki articles."Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "very good article! The topic is useful and the entire article is well written. It start with a nice introduction of the problem and move to the solution. It is well formatted according to the TNWiki rules and surely fit to get the gold medal"


 Visual Basic Technical Guru - May 2018 
Gold Award Winner .paul. _ VB.Net- Graphical Mathematical Transformations
SYEDSHANU: "Awesome Post Paul.Each part has been explained well and good to see with Source code download link,Thanks for sharing"Khanna Gaurav: "Great work."Richard Mueller: "Very interesting, and well explained. We need links to references, and other Wiki articles in a See Also."
Silver Award Winner Karen Payne Essential VB.NET Tuples
Khanna Gaurav: "Excellent article. Very well explained"SYEDSHANU: "Tuples is very cool concept and thanks for sharing with examples."Richard Mueller: "Excellent use of Wiki guidelines. I like the links for iterator and yield statement. Tuples look very interesting."
Bronze Award Winner .paul. _ OOP Statistical Functions
Richard Mueller: "Well done. Could use links to references, and a See Also. Good explanations, code, and images."SYEDSHANU: "Statistical functions are very useful concepts as I have been used to work with this concept for Factory Automation projects,Your samples are very simple and easy to understand ,Thanks again for sharing one more good sample in VB.NET"Khanna Gaurav: "Nice article"

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

  • DataGridView column configuration VB.NET by Karen Payne
    SYEDSHANU: "One more useful post from Karen as to dynamically show/hide DataGridView Column and also to reorder the column display in DataGridView ,good to see the Source code download link,Thanks for sharing"
    Khanna Gaurav: "Useful configuration and should be very useful"
    Richard Mueller: "Another excellent article. Using the XML adds great functionality for the user."


 Visual C# Technical Guru - May 2018 
Gold Award Winner Karen Payne .NET: Defensive data programming (Part 2)
Jaliya Udagedara: "Great article, nicely explained using both C# and VB.NET code samples."Khanna Gaurav: "Nice article"
Silver Award Winner Karen Payne Working with SMTP email with C# (Part 1)
Khanna Gaurav: "Great work"Jaliya Udagedara: "Good article explaining a common requirement."
Bronze Award Winner Karen Payne Windows forms Auto complete ComboBox C#
Khanna Gaurav: "Nice article"Jaliya Udagedara: "Back to Windows Forms, nice!"


 Wiki and Portals Technical Guru - May 2018 
Gold Award Winner Chilberto Is it time to refactor the TechNet Wiki Guru Awards Competition?
Peter Geelen: "The only in this category this month, always a win. But it's an important question to ask and the entire community should chime and and provide their opinion. Very good initiative!"Kia Zhi Tang: "Thank you for leading the refactoring. Hope to see the some discussion started in the forum. :)"Richard Mueller: "Excellent to encourage feedback for the future of the Wiki Guru contests. Good to link the blog post and articles on the current practices."


 Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Technical Guru - May 2018 
Gold Award Winner Pete Laker Publish your old WPF and WinForms 'desktop applications' in the Windows Store! No code conversion! MSIX in three easy steps. Visual Studio or Desktop Bridge
SYEDSHANU: "Good to see as the article has been explained with Images which makes the readers to understand easily.This is very useful post Pedro,Thanks for sharing ,"Khanna Gaurav: "Great article"


 Windows Server Technical Guru - May 2018 
Gold Award Winner C Sharp Conner Virtual Isolated TEST Environment - Configuring 2 Separate Domains with Forest Trust
Mark Parris: "How to create a Forest trust - not sure the long term usefulness of this article though as it is based on Windows Server 2008 R2."Eric Berg: "thank you"Kia Zhi Tang: "Thanks for contributing a walk-through with some screenshots."Richard Mueller: "Great topic with detailed steps. Links would help, Wiki articles in a See Also section, other documentation in a Other Resources or Other References section."

A huge thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to last month's competition.


With thanks,
Pete Laker & The TechNet Wiki Council


More about the TechNet Guru Awards:


  • Anonymous
    June 28, 2018
    Congrats to all the winners
  • Anonymous
    June 29, 2018
    Congrats to all the winners & Thanks for sharing us :)
  • Anonymous
    June 29, 2018
    Awesome articles guys! Well done :-)Congrats to all these who win this month and remember that tomorrow you can start register your articles for the July contest, while we will start the voting for June :-) .
  • Anonymous
    July 27, 2018
    Congrats to all!