Announcing the Configuration Manager Documentation Library November Update
I am pleased to announce that the Configuration Manager 2007 Documentation Library November update has gone live on the Configuration Manager TechCenter. Click this link to see the updated and new content that we've added:! Over 100 topics have been added or updated representing nearly 200,000 new words!
Also, your writing team is very fond of receiving your feedback on the content they've provided. Remember that you can provide a star rating and send us feedback from each topic you read.
Here is what to look for and where to click to provide a star rating:
Not only can you give a star rating to each topic, you can also provide direct feedback to the writing team about that topic without having to send separate e-mail to When you send e-mail from the topic, you won't have to set the context for where you found the documentation because that will be included in the e-mail sent from the web page. So please let us know what you think about all the content - what have we done well, what could we do better.
On behalf of the Configuration Manager Writing Team, I thank you for your support!
Steven Kaczmarek , MCSE, MCP since 1993
Content Publishing Manager
Management & Solutions Division -UA
Providing the right content at the right time.
Author of the soon to be published
System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Administrator's Companion
January 01, 2003
For all of you who ask questions on how to setup and run Configuration Manager, you should always startAnonymous
January 01, 2003
I am pleased to announce that the Configuration Manager 2007 Documentation Library November update has