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Exchange 2013 Monitoring Mailbox Databases and Queues

With Exchange 2013 Exchange  Product Group  has chosen a different route and implemented all the monitoring inside Exchange server which is called Exchange Managed Availability. When it comes to monitoring  from Operations Manager  all we have is a  discovery  scripts, some perf collection rules and  one ( yes only one ) event monitor which tracks the events created by Exchange Managed Availability Service.  I will not be getting into the Managed Availability  and its components. As a summary   it has different components called health  sets and Exchange server performs ~650+   individual checks on these various components.

You can find more details about Managed availability on following posts;

Lessons from the Datacenter: Managed Availability

Customizing Managed Availability


One of the  problems of this  component/service based approach is now we don’t have the visibility to individual objects like Mailbox Databases or Transport Queues. These are hidden under  specific health sets.


One of my colleagues Russ Slaten  has written an extension management pack to solve the very same issue for Exchange 2010 his posts can be accessed here;

Monitoring Exchange 2010 Database Backup and Mount Status

After using his management pack in many customers I wanted to do the same for Exchange 2013. I have used  his techniques but I had to modify them to work with  my own requirements. I have also added  some extra monitors  rules and added Queue monitoring. So this is what this MP is all about . Lets get into the details ;




This MP will discovery individual Mailbox databases (stand alone  or DAG)  and Transport Queues on Exchange servers.  Discovery is a PowerShell script runs against Exchange server object every 12 hours.

After importing the MP  discovered mailbox databases can be accessed under Mailbox Database Health  view under default Exchange MP folder.


And discovered Queues can be accessed under Transport Queue Health  view .




There are 3 monitors targeting to Mailbox database


  • Check Database Mount Status – From Russ’s MP sample , checks if DB is mounted or not
  • Mailbox Database LastAnyBackup Check : This is  a modified version of 2010 MP. In my script  I check both incremental and full backup and if any backup exist in configured period monitor is healthy.
  • Active Preference Check : This monitor will check if database is mounted on Active Preference 1  if database failovers to any other node  monitor will become warning.


For Queues  I have the following monitors configured ;


Let me remind you that all these are also  monitored under Hubtransport Helath Set for the Exchange Server. So based on your requirement you might use this one or the one provided on Exchange MP.


Additional Views


I have also created a  group to include new custom objects as well as the existing one. This group is referenced in  Active Alerts Extended  view. You can use this view to see all alerts generated by Exchange components.


Performance Collection Rules

There are 7 performance collection rules targeting to Mailbox Databases which collects ;


  • Database size
  • Database Whitespace
  • Number of Mailboxes in Database
  • Local Mail Flow latency  ( Test-Mailflow )
  • Login Latency  (Uses Test-MAPIConnectivity)
  • Last full  backup age
  • Last incremental backup age



From rules targeting to Mailbox Database   you can disable the ones  not needed in your organization.

There are 10 performance collection rules targeting to Queues .


These rules can be  modified by selecting  Exchange 2013 Transport Queues as target(class).




Cookdown in Operations Manager is the process of utilizing single data source to monitor multiple objects  on server.  On very basics  if you want to monitor 10 individual database on a server   you need to run your script 10 times which is very inefficient and resource consuming. So with cookdown we modify the script in a way that it outputs multiple property bags for each database we want to monitor and  condition detection modules in monitors/rules take care of the rest.

So I tried to utilize this as much as possible. I share the data source  in multiple  rules  so I have cookdown for all instances and for all rules. For database performance collections   all of these   rules actually retrieves data from 2  scripts.  So  if you have 10 mailbox database  in an Exchange server   instead of 10x5 = 50 scripts , I run just one   which then picked up by individual rules and written to database.

The reason I have 2 script is Test mail flow  script has a timeout parameter and takes longer  then the rest of perf collection so this is the only reason I’ve separated it.

To get the benefit from cookdown all these rules are configured run  same time by Synctime setting  in MP they will run every 15 min with Synctime  setting 00:00.


Additional Configuration(Optional)

When I was developing the management pack my customer wanted  the flexibility to  classify health sets. In default configuration we have a two state monitor Healthy and Error . But for most  customers  all these health sets are not equally important.   So My customer wanted to reflect Customer touch point as critical but all others as warning.  We also had a second requirement where we need to use health sets in dashboards  which doesn't work by default. For details please check my other post   How to fix the Health Rollup Problem in Distributed Applications with Exchange 2013 Health Sets.


To overcome all these I’ve duplicated the existing event monitor  and created 2 replicas. One has unhealthy state defined as warning , other as critical.  These 2 monitors are targeted to Availability  for the health sets and disabled by default. There are also 2 groups defined in MP ;

  • Critical Health set Objects ,
  • Warning Health set Objects

These 2 monitors have overrides defined to enable then using these groups. . All you need to do is disable the existing monitor ,  add the more important health sets to Critical Health sets group and less important ones to warning health sets group .



Update – Script Based Dashboards

I’ve added two script based dashboards under Exchange 2013 Default folder.


This dashboard will show all transport servers and their queue status



Database Performance Counters

This dashboard will show all mailbox databases and associated performance counters



Update- 16/3/2015 

Mailbox count for the databases was showing max 1000  mailbox because I forget to add -ResultSet Unlimited switch. I've updated both MP files to show correct mailbox count.

Important !!!

Always test the supplied MP’s in a test environment first , modify them  based on your  needs than move it to production.

Download link

Zip files contains  the base MP Microsoft.Exchange.15.Custom.Extension.xml   and same MP with 2 additional Script based dashboards shown above)  under MPScriptDashboards folder.

Script Dashboard version requires  new visualization MP comes with UR3.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Great post. Thank you.
  • Anonymous
    August 03, 2015
    Thanks, it's really very informative article that explain how to monitor mailboxes in exchange server 2013. I also test this automated solution from that helps to tracks of all user mailboxes and email traffic and generates over 50 + reports on email flow, mailbox folders, mailbox information, public folders, storage and OWA etc. It's enable scheduling report for automatic generation at conspicuous time.
  • Anonymous
    September 29, 2015
    Exchnage servers are not discovered to the particular class which we imported MP from this blog rule and monitors
  • Anonymous
    September 30, 2015
    We are getting the below error on eventvwr. please help us to fix
    MicrosoftExchangeQueue.ps1 : Cannot find exchnage server
    MicrosoftExchangeDBiscovery.ps1 : Cannot find exchnage server
  • Anonymous
    April 20, 2016
    vasanth: we've the same problem. When exchange 2013 is on windows 2012 R2 - MP works but another exchange 2013 with windows 2008R2 -> cannot find exchange server. I tried changing script but it seems that powershell snapin from exchange 2010 cannot be loaded so get-exchangeservers has no results