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China Mashups with Virtual Earth

image The Live Search Maps China team has been busy. They've release a new version of Live Search Maps China which includes

  • Virtual Earth China API for developers, with Virtual Earth China SDK documentation on Chinese MSDN.
  • Pinyin support for map search query
  • Business photos on LSV page
  • Transit -  Improved route quality; better estimation of trip time; refreshed transit data for all 11 cities.
  • Geocoding - Support Pinyin correction; geocoding match rate improved from 69.7% to 74.9%.

Along with this release, you can also see the 5/12 China Earthquake Map, which keeps track of the latest developments of the earthquake. This was pulled together within 1 hour after the earthquake and we are believed to be one of the first online map sites to provide such service.

I'll put together a little mashup for you developers who use Virtual Earth (non China), so you can add China to your applications. Meaning, all of our enterprise customers and mashup developers can now have China Maps in their applications.