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Switzerland Sports Retailer Saves Time, Improves Efficiencies with New Microsoft Dynamics ERP Resources

New resources were announced this month to help our Microsoft Dynamics customers improve productivity and save time and money.

These new offerings include an out-of-the-box connector between Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics AX and a Data Migration Assistant for Microsoft Dynamics AX customers moving from an Oracle database to Microsoft SQL Server.

As a result of using the new Data Migration Assistant, Bächli Bergsport AG, the leading mountain sports retailer in Switzerland, is already accomplishing its immediate goals for efficiency gains and now has a platform for enhanced business intelligence and reporting and analysis capabilities.

"The Data Migration Assistant made the process of moving our database simple and efficient," said Franz Coester, chief information officer, Bächli Bergsport AG. "With Microsoft SQL Server, we have been able to accomplish our objective of a unified database environment, both for our ERP solution and for our BI solution. This will make our life much easier in the future."

More information about the benefits of switching to Microsoft SQL Server is available at To read more about the announcement, click here.