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Online Banking Trends Stand Out at BAI Retail Delivery Show

The Microsoft banking team recently attended this year’s BAI Retail Delivery Showin Las Vegas, where online banking solutions took center stage. Microsoft’s solutions for online banking garnered significant attention from attendees, who were interested in learning more about recent customers interaction trends with financial services institutions.

One of the trends shared maps back to a recent online survey we conducted that indicates Millenials, as well as Baby Boomers, demonstrate an increasing preference for managing personal finances online. (For more background on the survey, check out this article on the Bank Systems & Technology website.)

Highlighted at the show, the Advisor Windows demo at the Microsoft booth showcased cloud-based interactions between customers and financial advisors and the Dynamics CRM demo, built in partnership with Customer Effective, highlighted Microsoft’s full-scale relationship management solutions. Attendees discovered Microsoft’s strength in enterprise technologies has fostered cutting edge, cost-effective solutions for the financial services industry.

You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone leaving the show not reenergized and motivated by the vast array of cloud-based solutions now available to help banks regain trust and gain solid footing in a wired world. We too, at Microsoft, left eager and ready to continue showing financial institutions of all sizes the many new ways they can serve their customers.