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ADP Uses Windows Azure to Reduce the Cost of Invoicing for Car Dealers

To help car dealers around the world manage paperwork, ADP Dealer Services has partnered with NVoicePay, a Portland, Oregon based software provider to provide mutual clients with a Plug-and-Play Payment Processing solution, powered by the Windows Azure cloud platform.

Car dealerships, like many midsize companies, typically use manual processes for their account payables, which can end up costing about $3(US) per check and is prone to errors and inaccuracies.  With the new AP Assist e-payment solution, car dealers can realize a reduced cost of less than 40 cents per transaction, resulting in annual savings of between $25,000 and $250,000, depending on dealership size.

The NVoicePay solution relies heavily on Microsoft Silverlight which provides a compelling user interface for the client application that enables customers to submit payments; the vendor sign-up portal and all internal systems. The solution also includes a Windows Phone 7 interface built on Silverlight that allows financial controllers to quickly approve pending payments and check payment status.

Read more on how ADP Dealer Services and NVoicePay use Windows Azure to help dealerships reduce costs and realize business efficiencies.