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Identity & Windows Azure AD at TechEd EU Channel9 Live



Is it a month already? Oh boy, apparently I am in full time-warp mode…
Anyhow: as you’ve read, about one month ago I flew to Amsterdam for a very brief 2-days stint at TechEd Europe (pic or it didn’t happen).

The morning of the day I was going to fly back, I was walking by the O’Reilly booth… which happened to be in front of the Channel9 Live stage.
My good friend Carlo spotted me, and invited me for a totally impromptu chat for the opening of the Channel9 live broadcasting from TechEd Europe! Who would have thought, luckily I shaved that morning Smile

I enjoyed that ~30 minutes immensely. Carlo and Joey are fantastic anchors, and very smart guys who did all the right questions. If you want a high level overview of Windows Azure AD (say a 100 level) and you don’t mind my heavy accent, then you’ll be happy to know that today the recording of the event just showed up on Channel9’s home page!

If when watching the video you’ll have the impression that it’s just a chat between old friends rather than an interview, that’s because it is exactly it Smile have fun!