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Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) Attack Simulation Playbook

imageGood afternoon Partners.  I just learned about an exciting new tool you can leverage to help show your customers simulate real-world attacks as well as how you can prevent and defend them.  I am  happy to announce the availability of the  “ATA Attack Simulation playbook”!

From the playbook:

This article will turn the buzz words into something real and tangible, walking through the credential theft attack techniques themselves, by using readily available research tools on the Internet. At each point of the attack we will show how Microsoft’s Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) 5 helps IT organizations gain visibility into these post-infiltration activities happening in their environments. Ignorance can no longer be bliss

The playbook will provide you with the following:

  • A step-by-step guide to simulate real-world advanced attacks.
  • Walk through a full attack campaign – From initial reconnaissance and all the way to Domain Dominance.
  • Demonstrate ATAs suspicious activities that detect these attacks.
  • The playbook focuses on deterministic detections so no learning time will be required for the detection of all the different attacks.

Hopefully this is a tool everyone can use.  If you leverage it let me know what you think!

This playbook is publicly available ATA Attack Simulation playbook.


Matt Hester
Sr. Partner Technology Strategist
Microsoft SMB&D