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Texas moves to the cloud with Microsoft

We have come across some great news from our colleagues in the US which we simply had to mention on our UK Government blog! OK, it's a story from Texas but the solution and result will appeal hugely with those working in UK Government. A massive 100,000 employees have been switched to the cloud-based Microsoft Office 365 by Texas’ Department of Information Resources - the biggest state-wide deployment of email and collaboration services in the United States.

Considering that a number of agencies (including the Texan Police) needed access to data, compliance was a huge factor in decision. Luckily Office 365 managed to pass the high security and privacy standards after close work between Microsoft and Texas.

To read more about this great story on our Worldwide blog, look here. A press release has also been published for further information.

UK public sector customers using Office 365

 So how are organisations in the UK doing the same? Well, here are a range of great case studies of a variety of UK organisations who have recently brought in Office 365 to increase productivity while saving money:

Office 365 IL2 G-Cloud accreditation

Microsoft and our partners are also able to offer secure Office 365 solutions up to IL2 category information via the G-Cloud framework. You can read more details here.

Got any comments or questions?

We're here to help answer any questions if your thinking of switching to Office 365 in the cloud. Do you have concerns? Do you see the cloud as a benefit to the public sector? Please get in touch with us via @msukingov.

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Content and Communities Manager, Microsoft UK Public Sector Team