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Evidence that students do better with a PC at home

ALL teachers, ALL schools and any parents can use the Get Online @ Home offer so EVERY student can have a PC at home and do better in school and in life!


So here’s the evidence that students do better if they have a PC at home:

  • The final evaluation of the Government’s “Home Access” programme showed

        - Students with these PCs at home did better than they were doing before

        - They showed improved ICT skills and confidence

        - There were enhanced opportunity for personal learning – more research and prep Parents’ attitudes towards technology were enhanced

        - The value of a PC at home was summarised by one teacher who said:

“The majority of students do their best work out of school hours, where they can concentrate for extended periods and follow up any creative ideas they have been inspired by – without a computer at home, students at this level are really missing out. Though they can use the study area before and after school, it's very easy to tell who hasn't got a computer at home because of the quality of the work.”

  • Sutton Trust research on the best way to spend the pupil premium shows that ICT access at home is effective in “closing the gap” and helping kids from poor homes do as well as kids from rich homes
  • The economic case for Digital Inclusion, prepared by the UK’s Digital Champion, Martha Lane Fox, shows:
  • Home access to a computer and the internet can improve children’s educational performance: if the 1.6 million children who live in families which do not use the internet got online at home, it could boost their total lifetime earnings by over £10 billion.


With Get Online @ Home for students and families receiving certain benefits, the special price is £99 for a desktop and £169 for a laptop. For anyone else, the prices are £149 for a desktop and £199 for a laptop. You can get a further £50 discount if you sign up to broadband internet (£5 per month). You can find out more about the offer at

Posted by Howard.