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Cloud Computing - Should the government develop a strategy to ensure the UK economy benefits from the cloud?

Microsoft believes that regulatory issues are preventing the UK from capitalising on the opportunities offered by cloud computing. Whilst industry can address some of these, the government also needs to play a part. Germany has already started such an initiative - do we risk getting left behind?

Microsoft is launching a Cloud Manifesto, which calls on government to take action in three key areas:

  1. Adopting a joined up strategy, developed in co-operation with industry
  2. Tackling consumer data issues and cybercrime
  3. Taking the lead in Europe to help create a digital single market

What should the government's strategy cover? Microsoft is calling for action on regulation, development of a better communications infrastructure (including high speed broadband) and a public procurement process that supports the UK cloud industry.

What other issues the strategy should cover?  You can join in the discussion and online debate at the Microsoft UK Cloud Computing  LinkedIn discussion forum and make your opinion count.

This discussion thread will feed directly into our Cloud Manifesto, which will be presented to ministers on October 25th.

Posted by Ian