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Cloud Computing – FREE White Paper on ‘What IT Professionals Need to Know’

Amidst all the noise and fervour associated with the ‘journey to the cloud’ one question I have not, till now, seen properly addressed is what does the cloud mean for the skills and responsibilities of IT professionals?  The new white paper from Microsoft Learning on Cloud Computing: What IT Professionals Need to Know provides very useful insight into the whole issue of cloud-skilling an IT department and guess what – it is more complex and rewarding than simply changing job titles from systems administrator to cloud administrator for example.

Organisations that are considering moving to cloud computing will want to educate their IT professionals about the potential opportunities ahead so that they can build staff capabilities and skills ahead of the change. Chief Information Officers (CIO) who want to generate more business value from IT by necessity have to be in the front line of cloud skills education — both for themselves and to build training capacity for their IT staff.

This paper explores the advantages of moving to the cloud and outlines the delta skill sets IT pros will want to acquire. It describes what the cloud offers and how it applies to and impacts existing infrastructure, including such issues as cost, security, data control, and integrity.

Who knows, your next career move may be to the role of Cloud Service Manager or Cloud Developer.

You can download your personal copy of the white paper on Cloud Computing: What IT Professionals Need to Know here

You can also view more information on the Microsoft Learning Cloud Services curriculum and certification here

Posted by Ian