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Hello??? World???

"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings."
- Lewis Carroll

So yes, it seems the time has come to start a blog and talk of many things. To briefly introduce myself, I'm a Product Manager working for the Microsoft patterns & practices group. "Product Manager" tends to mean different things in different parts of Microsoft, but in our team the Product Manager is the primary interface between the customer (that's you, I hope!) and our internal project teams. Currently I'm spending most of my time on Enterprise Library, the new release of many of our application blocks that is due out in a few days time - but I'm also working on a few other projects that I'll talk about later. Assuming I'm disciplined enough to keep up the blog and it's interesting enough that people actually read it, I'm looking forward to using this blog to share ideas for how we can evolve patterns & practices to provide more value for your projcts.

If you found my blog you've probably seen these, but some of my blogging partners in crime at p&p include Edward Jezierski, Scott Densmore, Peter Provost, Eugenio Pace, Ron Jacobs, Jim Newkirk and Sandy Khaund.

To round out the mandatory introduction bit, I'm a born-and-bred Aussie but for the last year I've been living in Seattle. Before that I worked as a consultant for Microsoft Services in Canberra, Australia, working on some big .NET development projects with customers. I'm married (my wife Paula is also a developer, you can imagine how nerdy the dinner conversations can get), no kids but we have an estranged cat back in Australia under loving care of the in-laws.

Anyway, hope this will do for an initial post - wish me luck!


  • Anonymous
    January 24, 2005
    Welcome to the blogsphere and Good Luck! ;-)

  • Anonymous
    January 24, 2005
    Hi Tom,

    I am waiting for the Enterprise Library to integrate it into a big Software project. One of my central questions is if there is an interface which supports NLS? I want an infrastructure that logs messages plain text and if supported by the message source via NLS capable EventId objects. Depending on the sink it is written e.g. into the event log which is capable to log NLS messages or the string is extracted in english and logged into the other sources. Is this already implemented in the current Logging Blocks?

  • Anonymous
    January 24, 2005
    Hello Tom,
    I am very interested in the Logging interfaces.
    Is there a possibility to log NLS messages? I want to log messages which go to the eventlog. They should of course support NLS because I am not good in reading Japanese or Chinese log messages. If I log directly UI strings to the event log I get into trouble. Therefore I need to use the good old Message Table Resources from .NET where the .NET 2.0 has already made some improvements for logging NLS strings.
    The interface I have in mind could support two types of messgaes: Plain text or NLS objects which contain the Resource ID, Facility, Severity,Dll Name,... If the Event sink does support NLS then log it directly. Otherwise extract the string in English from the dll and log it plain. Do you think that this is a good approach or is the eventlog going to vanish in Longhorn anyway. But what about japanese UI messages I want to log?

  • Anonymous
    January 24, 2005
    I am looking forward to the release of the Enterprise Library. Wow. Looks like I am your first feedback. :)

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2005
    What are patterns and practices?

  • Anonymous
    March 11, 2007
    פוסט זה הוא פוסט המשך בסדרה " טיפים וטריקים: כתיבת פוסטים באתר הבלוגים ". הכל מוכן ואפשר להתחיל לכתוב.

  • Anonymous
    March 13, 2008
    פוסט זה הוא פוסט המשך בסדרה " טיפים וטריקים: כתיבת פוסטים באתר הבלוגים ". הכל מוכן ואפשר להתחיל