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Access 12 and what you saw at the PDC: where to next?

Are you excited from what you heard and saw at PDC? Most likely you already saw the new Office UI, and in particular how Access 12 is looking like at this point in time. You can even kind of guess some of the features coming your way from looking at the pictures for all the apps. So where do we go from here?


We are on the road to Beta 1 alongside the whole of Office and all the other products (Outlook, Word, etc). Beta 1 is the first public (as in nobody has to sign an NDA) access to the bits of the next version of Office and the first time we can talk openly about most of the new features. That's a major upgrade from simply looking at nice pictures :).


(We already had the opportunity to allow some select crowds to play with our work in unfinished stages, but they were always under NDA, so it’s no fun. We're eager to have people install the next version of Access and tell us what they think about it.)


Well, as soon as we hit Beta 1 I’ll start posting about what’s really coming – and believe, there’s a plethora of things to talk about.