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Windows Phone 8 Training and Hands-On-Labs in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney

Come and learn about developing for the new Windows Phone 8. In each city, Day 1 (Friday) is dedicated to presentations introducing you to the concepts and techniques you’ll need to create successful Windows Phone applications. Day 2 (Saturday) is a full day of hands-on labs to get you up and running. With experts from Nokia and Microsoft at hand, you’ll quickly grasp the fundamentals of creating and publishing apps for this exciting platform. Nokia also have some great prizes up for grabs.

Dates and Locations

City Day 1 (Presentations) Day 2 (Hands-on-labs)
Melbourne Friday 16 November 2012 09:00-17:00           Microsoft Office           Level 5, 4 Freshwater Place           SOUTHBANK Saturday 17 November 2012 09:00-17:00           Clifton's Training           Level 1, 440 Collins St           MELBOURNE
Brisbane Friday 23 November 2012 09:00-17:00           Microsoft Office           Level 28, 400 George St         BRISBANE Saturday 24 November 2012 09:00-17:00           Clifton's Training         288 Edward St         BRISBANE
Sydney Friday 30 November 2012 09:00-17:00         Grace Hotel         77 York St           SYDNEY Saturday 01 December 2012 09:00-17:00           Clifton's Training         190-200 George St         SYDNEY


To register, sign in or create an account on the Australian Windows Phone Community site, and then go to the Events Page.


Agenda for Day 1

Time Topic
09:15 Keynote
10:15 Break
10:30 Windows Phone 8 Fundamentals
11:15 Notifications
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Sensors
13:45 Store
14:15 Break
14:30 User Experience Guidelines
15:15 Win 8 and Windows Phone - porting and compatibility
16:00 Break
16:15 Mobile Services
17:00 Finish

Agenda for Day 2

The format for Day 2 is a hands-on lab day. We'll start with a quick lap around the environment to get everyone up to speed with the tools and the lab content available and then  the group will choose two of the labs to go through together in group lab time.

Time Topic
09:00 Intro – tools and lab content
09:45 Lab time 1
11:00 Group lab 1
12:15 Lab time 2
14:00 Group lab 2
15:15 Lab time 3

The eight labs available are as follows:

Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8

  • differences
  • porting steps
  • reusable components

App-to-App Communication

  • uri scheme names
  • app file types

Lock Screen

Voice Commands

  • starting an app
  • advanced functionality

Live Tiles

  • adding tiles to an app
  • understanding the three tile types


  • in-app purchasing
  • full-app purchasing


  • supporting wallet
  • coupons
  • membership registration

Running Tracker - sample app with

  • map control
  • maps api
  • background execution

You can choose to come to either or both of the days.


This is a free event.


Registration links will be available here soon.


At this stage, presenters will be Vaughan Knight from Nokia, Nick Randolph from BuiltToRoam, Dave Glover and myself from Microsoft (I'm pretty sure Frank Arrigo will be at the Melbourne events too). Not every one of us will be at all of the events, but you get the idea.


  • Anonymous
    July 05, 2015
    Thanks a lot for your interest in this subject