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stuart kent's blog

Are qualified associations necessary?

When I'm creating domain models, the ability to place properties on a relationship is proving very...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 10/17/2005

The 'U' in 'UML'

Last night the conference banquet was held for the MoDELS conference in Jamaica. The MoDELS...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 10/07/2005

Model Transformation

I'm in Jamaica at the MoDELS 05 conference. Yesterday I attended a workshop on model transformation,...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 10/04/2005

Windows Workflow Foundation

If you're interested in Workflow then you'll want to have a look at Windows Worflow Foundation,...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 09/19/2005

September release of DSL Tools

A new release of DSL Tools is now available. You can dowload it from:...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 09/19/2005

Software Factories workshop at OOPSLA

Jack Greenfield asked me to mention that the organizing committee have extended the deadline for...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 08/12/2005

Jobs available

The Database Developer Tools team based in Redmond is hiring developers, testers and program...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 08/08/2005

Edward Bakker's blog on using DSL Tools (& V1 planning)

Edward Bakker has been blogging his experience of using DSL Tools: This...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 08/08/2005

DSL for GoF patterns

My colleague, Alan Wills, just pointed me at this -

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 07/28/2005

Transformation workshop at MoDELS 05

I'm involved in a workshop on model to model transformations at the MoDELS conference this year. The...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 06/27/2005

ModeliSoft have updated their Dmd2Dd tool

For all those who've installed the May 2005 version of DSL Tools (the one that works on VS2005 Beta...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 06/23/2005

Martin Fowler on Language Workbenches

Martin has just put up an article on Language Workbenches - IDEs for creating and using DSLs. As...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 06/20/2005

Disclaimer - please read

The information in this weblog is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. This...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 06/20/2005

Transcript for DSL Tools web chat

I see a transcript of the DSL Tools web chat is now available. Members of the DSL Tools team...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 06/20/2005

Back from paternity leave

Folks probably haven't noticed because of the sporadic nature of my blog entries, but I have been...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 06/07/2005

Reflections on the spec process

Back in the days when I was an academic and researcher, I used to teach Software Engineering. There...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 05/18/2005

Interesting observations on XMI

I just came across this post about XMI from Steven Kelly over at Metacase. In particular, he quotes...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 05/13/2005

Wojtek has started blogging

I see that the architect of the Guidance Automation Toolkit (GAT), Wojtek Kozaczynski, has started...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 05/13/2005

n'ary, binary or both

In case you haven't seen it, there's been some interesting discussion about n'ary and binary...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 04/21/2005

More on consuming models

A set of interesting questions were posted to the DSL Tools Newsgroup recently, so I've decided to...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 03/29/2005

Next Release of DSL Tools

Now we've got the March release out of the door, I'm sure folks are going to ask soon what's in the...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 03/18/2005

Interview with Steve Cook

No doubt lots of my colleagues will point you at this, including Steve himself. But here is a great...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 03/16/2005

Validation in DSL Tools

In his announcement of the March release of DSL Tools, Gareth mentioned that we now have a designer...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 03/10/2005

Building the right system, faster and more reliably

I've been pondering what the fundamental problems are that we and others are trying to solve with...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 03/10/2005

March release of DSL tools

As posted by Gareth.

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 03/10/2005

Collection associations in class designer

I see that Ramesh on the class designer team has posted a note about collection associations. The...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 02/22/2005

Answers to questions on the domain model designer and future features

Here's a lot of detailed questions from Kimberly Marcantonio, an active participant in the DSL Tools...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 02/21/2005

Creating your own DSL / DSL template

We've had the following question posted to the newsgroup on the DSL Tools site: "Can I create a...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 02/21/2005

DSLs and customization

Fred Thwaites has asked a question in response to this post. He asks: "Does this imply that in...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 01/31/2005

New blog

My friend Jean Bezivin, a well-known figure in the 'model engineering' research community, has...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 01/14/2005

Walkthroughs for DSL tools available

Three tutorial documents which 'walk through' various aspects of the December release of our DSL...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 01/14/2005

Why we view a domain model as a tree

In some feedback to my last posting, there was a question about why we visualized a domain model as...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 01/06/2005

The UML / DSL debate

There's been some debate between some of my MSFT colleagues (Alan Wills, Steve Cook, Jack...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 01/04/2005

Tools to create, tools to consume, tools to check

As a number of my colleagues have already pointed out the December download of the DSL Tools are now...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 12/23/2004

DSL workbench now live

I've just returned from OOPSLA and Redmond, and am pleased to see that the DSL tools workbench site...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 11/08/2004

What I've been working on

I can now point you at a couple of announcements about the technology I've been working on. Here's...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 10/27/2004

Microsoft at OOPSLA

Here's what Microsoft are doing at OOPSLA this year:...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 10/22/2004

Not going to UML conference, but will be at OOPSLA

I mentioned in an earlier post that I was giving a tutorial at the UML conference with Alan Wills....

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 09/29/2004

UML, DSLs and software factories: let those analogies flow...

I typed this entry a few days ago, but then managed to lose it through a set of circumstances I'm...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 09/29/2004

What does it mean to be MDA compliant?

I read on Jim Steel's blog that back in August there was lots of discussion on OMG lists about what...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 09/14/2004

Premature standardization

I used the phrase 'premature standardization' in an earlier post today. I'm rather pleased with it,...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 09/14/2004

UML conference

Two posts in the same day. I guess I'm making up for the two month gap. Anyway, Alan Wills and I are...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 09/13/2004

Back from vacation, more on DSLs

It's been a long time since my last entry - those few who were following my blog have probably given...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 09/13/2004

More ruminations on DSLs

A domain specific language is a language that's tuned to describing aspects of the chosen domain....

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 09/13/2004

Designing graphical notations: for paper or tools?

In this posting I continue on the theme of designing tools and notations to support modeling. On and...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 07/13/2004

Designing notations for use in tools

Tools make available a whole range of facilities for viewing, navigating and manipulating models...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 07/13/2004


An important part of my job is to analyze requirements and write specifications. I have found the...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 06/30/2004

Hints and tips for using Powerpoint and Visio for storyboarding

Here are a few techniques I have found useful for building storyboards or click-throughs using...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 06/30/2004

On code generation from models

In a recent article, Dan Hayward introduced two kinds of approaches to MDA: translationist and...

Author: Stuart Kent - Microsoft Date: 06/14/2004

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