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More CloudFests! Hello, Portland!

On February 10th (next week!), Microsoft will be hosting a CloudFest in Portland!  Click here to register (more details below)!

CloudFest: An Exclusive Azure Workshop

Microsoft, Northwest Cadence, and Marquam Group invite you to participate in an all day event, featuring hands-on labs after lunch!



  • Welcome & Breakfast
  • Keynote
  • Presentation Sessions (choose one)

Option 1: Transform your software development process with Azure (Northwest Cadence)

Join Northwest Cadence to see how Azure can play an important role in modern continuous delivery practices, as it supports extremely rapid development cycles, near-infinite scaling, and dramatically reduced up-front costs. DevOps and DevTest become accessible to mere mortals when Azure infrastructure and platforms are used!

A real-world example of PaaS

Are you considering a move to the cloud? Hear a real-life story from Northwest Cadence about how they approached architecting, hosting, and developing a software product that uses the power of Azure.

Creating an Azure VM

Azure Virtual Machines provide flexibility for you DevTest practices and can support your need to move on-premise production machines to the cloud.  Learn how to create Azure virtual machines that will support your ALM practices during this hands-on hour.



Option 2: Azure Active Directory Premium (Marquam Group)

Join Marquam Group for a presentation about Microsoft’s strategy to simplify control of identities and access across the cloud and enterprise. This presentation, targeted at systems administrators and developers, will provide an overview of the Azure AD service that an organization receives when signing up for Azure or Office 365.  We will discuss the features of the Azure AD Premium service and how your organization can leverage it.

The Azure AD service provides a compelling and affordable Identity and Access Management suite: integration with on-premise Active Directory, multi-factor authentication for security, self-service for employees, and integration with thousands of applications. With Microsoft making such significant investments into Identity and Access Management, how will it affect your organization? What is Azure AD? How can it be used in my organization? Does it work with DirSync? How does it practically tie in with non-Microsoft SaaS applications and services? What’s the real difference between Free, Basic, and Premium? Do I need the Enterprise Mobility Suite, or is there other ways to integrate this Azure service into my existing technologies?

Lunch and Q&A Panel


Afternoon session: CloudFest Hands-on Labs*

(Proctored by Northwest Cadence & Marquam Group)

Join us to explore how to build real world cloud applications using Windows Azure. You will receive hands-on experience with the tools necessary to succeed, and learn about:

Virtual machines
Create a virtual machine in seconds. Solve many common issues, such as proof-of-concept development that requires quick provisioning of one or more servers to validate code.

Hyperscale web
Explore a day in the life of a web app developer implementing a continuous deployment model and embracing DevOps. Use awesome tools that will help you develop, build, and deploy a modern responsive web application.

Go mobile
Develop an application and create a mobile backend that will give you the ability to scale to multiple device platforms and form factors. Transition or extend your current application to any mobile platform.

Azure Powershell
Microsoft Azure has a software development kit and command-line tools that can help you create your cloud solutions for almost any current development language and device.

Desired State Configuration (DSC)
Prepare an Azure Virtual Machine to receive a SharePoint 2013 installation using Desired State Configuration


  • A PC that is wireless internet-ready, so you can participate in the hands-on exercises
  • An Azure subscription (or use Free Trial)
  • Visual Studio 2013 Premium or Ultimate (or use Free Trial)
  • Azure SDK 2.4 (download here)
  • Visual Studio Online subscription (or use Free Trial)


There will be cool prizes, and complimentary breakfast & lunch will be served. Hope you can join us!

Parking: A pay-to-park garage is located at the nearby Safeway on NW 14th Ave, and additional on-street parking is available in the area.


Date, Registration & Location

Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (PST)

Location: Microsoft - Portland
1414 NW Northrup Street
Suite 900
Portland, OR 97209



Thanks, and we hope to see you there!