Cross Domain : Trouble while accessing Web Services
When Silverlight attempts to access a Web Service, if the SOO is different from the Web Service host, you have to deal with a cross domain issue. This issue can occur in various scenarios as described in Silverlight scenarios for Rich Internet Applications
The issue can be treated as follow :
1. I am encountering a ProtocolException
Silverlight is attempting to access a Web Service which is across its own domain boundaries. For security reasons, a policy file must exist at the root of the Web Service host. It allows this cross-domain access : it’s either clientaccesspolicy.xml or crossdomain.xml files which were not found by Silverlight.
2. Even if the clientaccesspolicy.xml is found, my Silverlight application access the service
Indeed, the clientaccesspolicy.xml file is here but is not accepted by the Silverlight application : there is some missing information.
There has been some modifications since Silverlight 2 beta 2 : Ensure that ‘http-request-headers’ attribute is correctly set in ‘allow-from’ element in the clientaccesspolicy.xml file. See below for a basic and working policy file :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<allow-from http-request-headers="*">
<domain uri="*"/>
<resource include-subpaths="true" path="/"/>
More information can be found at
August 05, 2008
The How-To series demo Silverlight accessing Web Services in various configuration. In this post, weAnonymous
August 05, 2008
The HowTo serie demoes Silverlight accessing Web Services in various configurations. In this post, weAnonymous
August 11, 2008
This tip concerns those who wants to use self hosting capabilities of services in WCF or Restlet in cross-domain